Apple is working on crash detection feature, this new feature may come by next year

Apple new feature: The communication service of Apple’s telephone and smart world in its own right is the communication service of the world. No man of any kind stays well with company, so it’s worth staying forever. Such updates are made in a single update, which in turn are changing. Updates are working on the update.

this special feature

Apple works on the Management Management System in its iPhone and Smart Watch. I am working on car play. It also helps in case of emergency in case of car accident detection and accident. It has been said that this new feature has come to the Apple Watch and iPhone again.

test test run

Developing facilities for the company is working. Ongoing programs. Climate change has the same characteristics as any other type of change. It has been claimed in the report that the company is testing it by taking data from many existing users.


Features such as the healing feature apply to the Apple Watch. This task is activated. I’s it’s ️’ It also has location information. Behavior verb works like quality

new features

It was said that Apple is to add this feature to iOS 16 and watchOS9 in 2022. Still a movie too.

this too further

Phone number of Samsung phones overtaking Apple 1, Smartphones phone numbers

WhatsApp Features: 4 New Update Deals About Behavior, LearnKnow


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