Pokémon GO: Sinnoh Event Starts Tomorrow – All Bonuses and Shinys

Tomorrow, November 16, 2021, the Sinnoh event starts in Pokémon GO. It brings you numerous bonuses and Pokémon again. Of course, cool Shinys will also be there again. We at MeinMMO have seen what awaits you at the event and show it to you.

What kind of event is that? For the release of “Pokémon Radiant Diamond” and “Pokémon Shining Pearl” for the Nintendo Switch, Pokémon GO is also celebrating a thematically appropriate Sinnoh event. As you know from other events in the past, there will be numerous Pokémon and bonuses for this one too.

When does the event take place? The Sinnoh event starts on November 16, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. local time. You will then have the opportunity to use all event advantages until Sunday, November 21, 2021 at 8:00 p.m. local time. There will be two different parts of the event:

  • Pokémon Radiant Diamond from November 16, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. to November 18, 2021 at 10:00 a.m.
  • Pokémon Shining Pearl from November 18, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. to November 21, 2021 at 8:00 p.m.

All bonuses to the Sinnoh event

Lots of bonuses await you again at the Sinnoh event. Everything revolves around the three starter Pokémon of the Sinnoh region: Chelast, Panflam and Plinfa. In addition, the hatching of eggs will play a central role during the event. We’ll show you which bonuses you can expect:

  • Collector Challenge (Reward: 1,000 XP, 3,000 Stardust & an encounter with Frosdedje)
  • New field research tasks
    • Part 1: Encounter with child worm *, Chelast with Lucia hat *, Panflam with Lucia hat *, Plinfa with Lucia hat *, Burmy (sand cloak) *, Burmy (rag cloak) * or Schilterus
    • Part 2: Encounter with Chelast with Lucius hat *, Panflam with Lucius hat *, Plinfa with Lucius hat *, Burmy (plant cape) *, Burmy (rag cape) *, Larvitar * or Koknodon *
  • Eggs hatch twice as fast (normal incubator)
  • Eggs hatch three times as fast (super incubator)
  • New event stickers
  • New avatar items (chargeable):
    • Chelast costume
    • Panflam Costume
    • Piplup costume
  • New Avatar Items (Free):
    • Sinnoh-Hut
    • Sinnoh-Top-Set
    • Sinnoh-Hose
    • Sinnoh shoes
    • Sinnoh-Rucksack
    • Sinnoh-Rock
    • Sinnoh boots
  • Event box with 20 Poké balls and 1 Sinnoh stone
  • Superbox with 2 incubators, 3 super incubators and 1 lock module for 300 Poké coins
New costumes for your avatar

All spawns and shinys

In addition to the numerous bonuses, there will also be some Pokémon to catch again. You will encounter various costumed monsters and spawns in both parts of the event. Underneath there is also one or the other Shiny that you can catch with a little luck.

What monsters there will be in their dazzling form, we have you with one

marked. We have summarized all spawns and when you can get them where below.

Costumed Pokémon

During the Sinnoh event, the three starter Pokémon Chelast, Panflam and Plinfa dressed up for you.  You can find her accompanied either with a Lucius hat or with a Lucia hat.  In addition, all costumed monsters are also available in their dazzling form.
Pokémon GO Kostüm Pokémon Sinnoh

Costumed Pokémon

Pokémon made from 7 km eggs

The monsters from the 7 km eggs are also a special feature during the Sinnoh event. As can also be seen from the bonuses, there is a special focus on hatching eggs during the event period. This not only shortens the incubation time, but the 7 km eggs are also really worth it this time.

This is mainly due to Riolu, the advance development of Lucario, which is usually very difficult to come by. Lucario is one of the strongest combat attackers in Pokémon GO and is therefore a very popular monster.

  • Many international trainers are also looking forward to pantimimi. Its further development, pantimos, is one of the regional monsters and is therefore rare for them. In addition, all Baby Pokémon are also available as Shiny. You can look forward to these monsters in the 7 km eggs throughout the event:
  • Knospi*
  • Mobai*
  • Wonneira*
  • Pantimimi *
Riolu *
Pokémon GO Diamond Pearl 7er Egg

Pokémon made from 7 km eggs

Spawns and Shinys in Part 1: “Pokémon Radiant Diamond”

The spawns and raid bosses will differ in the 1st and 2nd part. We have summarized all the monsters that you can encounter until November 18, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. local time:

  • Wild Pokémon:
  • Jurob*
  • Kramurx *
  • Fiffyen *
  • More stupid*
  • Bidiza *
  • Zirpur *
  • Haspiror*
  • Skunkapuh
  • Chelast with Lucius hat
  • Panflam mit Lucius-Hut

Piplup with Lucius hat

  • With a bit of luck you will also meet the following wild Pokémon:
  • Sichlor*
  • Larvitar *
  • Burmy * in a plant cape


Pokémon in Raids: Raids
Pokémon Level-1-Raids
Koknodon *
Driftlon *
Bronze *
Kaumalat* Level-3-Raids
Schlapor *
Galagladi Level-5-Raids
Cresselia * Mega-Raids

Mega Schlapor *

Spawns and Shinys in the 2nd part: “Pokémon Luminous Pearl”

With the start of the second part of the event on November 18, 2021, the spawns will change. You will meet other monsters in the wild and in raids. We have summarized them below for you:

  • Wild Pokémon:
  • Pinsir*
  • Traunfugil*
  • Hunduster*
  • Seemops*
  • Bidiza *
  • Zirpur *
  • Haspiror*
  • Charmian*
  • Chelast with Lucia hat
  • Panflam mit Lucia-Hut

Piplup with Lucia’s hat

  • With a bit of luck, you may come across the following specimens in the wild:
  • Phlegmon *
  • Child worm *
  • Bamelin*

Burmy * im Sandumhang

Pokémon in Raids: Raids
Pokémon Level-1-Raids
Driftlon *
Bronze * Level-3-Raids
Schlapor *
Galagladi Level-5-Raids
Cresselia * Mega-Raids

Mega Schlapor *

How do you like the spawns and bonuses for the Sinnoh event? Will you be busy hatching Pokémon during that time? And which monster are you particularly looking forward to? Feel free to write your opinion here on MeinMMO in the comments and exchange ideas with other trainers.

There will also be a lot going on in the spotlight hour in the coming weeks. We have summarized for you which monsters and bonuses there will be in the spotlight hour in November.
