Battlefield 2042: 10,000 fans sign petition, demand mouse and keyboard on PlayStation & Xbox

who Battlefield 2042 plays on the console can only use one controller. Mouse & keyboard are only available to PC gamers. More than 10,000 fans want to change that with a petition.

What’s the matter? Players who want to play Battlefield 2042 with a mouse & keyboard currently only have one choice: they have to play the game on PC. Because on PlayStation and Xbox, Battlefield only supports compatible controllers. The console versions do not have support for mouse & keyboard. PC gamers, on the other hand, can also use a controller if necessary.

Fans hope to change these circumstances with a new online petition (via battlefield2042kbm). It has already collected over 10,000 votes and has been growing steadily for days.

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What is the background to the petition? This petition asks the developers of Battlefield 2042, DICE and EA, to enable mouse & keyboard controls for consoles. This wish is mainly explained by the poor availability of new PC hardware:

A large percentage of the gaming community cannot upgrade their PCs to meet the Battlefield 2042 system requirements. This is due to the limited availability of PC parts and the fact that the few parts that are available are bought up by scalpers and resold for twice the price. What used to be a € 300-600 graphics card now costs € 1000-2000 (ridiculous!).

“Shadow,” the personality in charge of the petition (via battlefield2042kbm)

Competition should serve as a model

How do other shooters do it? Compared to the competition, Battlefield 2042 lags behind in these respects.

Regardless of whether you play Call of Duty: Vanguard or Halo Infinite on the PC or on a console: In these shooters you have the choice: Do you prefer to play with the controller or a mouse & keyboard connected via USB?

This option does not exist in Battlefield 2042: Console players can only play with controllers. The petition hopes to change these circumstances

What do the developers say? Before the launch of Battlefield 2042, DICE had already talked about the lack of support for mouse & keyboard on consoles. This option is not in the game, but that could change in the future – even if there are no concrete plans for it yet.

It remains to be seen whether this petition will change the missing plans. However, this point does not yet appear in the roadmap, which promises over 200 improvements by the beginning of December 2021.