Copied “New World Guide” on MeinMMO and the consequences – statement from the editor-in-chief

There was a guide to New World on MeinMMO for three days, which was almost completely copied by ZoS Gaming. The editors would like to apologize for this and talk about the consequences. A statement from MeinMMO’s editor-in-chief Leya Jankowski.

Dear Community,

today we received an email from ZoS Gamingwho informed us that one of their guides appeared almost identically on our site. It’s your New World trophy guidewhich contains tables of various trophy buffs.

Exactly these tables ended up almost identically in a trophy guide on MeinMMO. The source was not named, nor was ZoS Gaming asked for permission to use the table.

We have now taken the trophy guide with the tables from ZoS Gaming offline.

It shouldn’t have happened that way and it doesn’t meet our ethical and journalistic standards. We ended our collaboration with the author who created the guide for us with immediate effect.

We have already checked to see if there has been any more copied content in the past few weeks. After our examination, however, we did not find anything abnormal.

Although we place great value on correcting and checking our texts, we trust that authors write their own texts. That is usually the case, which is why this incident affects us all the more. I am very proud of my team and read their content with great pleasure every day.

I therefore very much regret the incident.

There are mistakes that are forgivable. There are probably no authors who have not already made honest research errors. Same for me. That shouldn’t happen, of course, but nobody works completely without errors.

If we are notified of errors, we check the situation, thank you and correct the errors transparently. We are always grateful and open to feedback and suggestions, as we strive for constant improvement.

However, we have no tolerance for copying content. If third-party content of any kind – by quoting reddit threads or referring to a video on YouTube – appears on our site, we will indicate this. The transparent handling of sources is extremely important to us.

We know from past experience how frustrating it is when you put a lot of effort and time into your own content only to find it copied somewhere.

At this point I would like to apologize personally and on behalf of the editors at ZoS Gaming and also to you, dear community.

It is extremely important to us that you can trust us and that we deliver clean, journalistic work here. This includes the conscientious use of sources.

In the meantime we were already in an exchange with ZoS Gaming about this and were able to clarify the matter. Thanks to ZoS Gaming for responding to us so quickly and so lovingly.

We will now re-examine internally how we can avoid something like this in the future. Because first and foremost, the article shouldn’t have appeared on the page in the first place, and of course we take ourselves fully responsibility.

I remain with my best regards to you and thank you for your attention.