WoW Classic: Ouch – OP characters ruin the championship season

Players from the usual “WoW Classic” land in the “Season of the Championship” – the chaos is perfect. And it’s unfair.

The season of the championship in World of Warcraft is still in its infancy. With this “WoW Classic +” the players experience the original phases of World of Warcraft Classic in a faster process, but can once again experience the different content phases in one go.

But now there was a devastating mistake: Completely overpowering characters from the old “Classic” servers appeared in the season of the championship.

What happened? In the past few days there have suddenly been strange sightings on some of the Season of Championship realms. Players could be seen who were discovered with equipment that they were actually not allowed to own. The best possible PvP equipment or mounts like the black Qiraji drone from the AQ opening event were spotted.

The conclusion: Some players were able to take their “finished” characters from the old Classic Realms and transfer them to the season of the championship.

What are the consequences? Pretty devastating. The characters transferred in this way already have equipment from the later phases of World of Warcraft and do gymnastics through the game world with the T3 sets from Naxxramas or weapons such as “Thunder Wrath, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker”. In PvE they are devastating killer machines and in PvP they plow through the enemies who cannot counter them.

In addition, these characters also brought items and gold with them during the transfer, which can damage the realms’ economy in the long term and permanently if Blizzard does not remove the characters and their property from the game promptly.

The YouTuber “Life is Moot” made a little video about it and shows how he discovered such a player in the championship season:

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How could that happen? It is not very clear. Actually, it shouldn’t be possible to transfer characters from a conventional “Classic” realm to the realms of the Season of Mastery. But apparently there was a bug or glitch that allowed players to do just that.

Particularly humiliating for Blizzard: The players who apparently were able to carry out the transfer also gave themselves mocking names, such as “indie company” in reference to the sarcastic saying that Blizzard was just a “small indie company”, who couldn’t avoid such mistakes – which is nonsense in a billion dollar company, of course.

It can be assumed that the characters will soon be removed from the season of the championship. It remains to be seen whether the seasonal servers will suffer long-term negative consequences as a result.