Ubisoft: Quartz: Publisher brings first NFTs into Ghost Recon Breakpoint

Just a few weeks ago, the publisher Ubisoft revealed that there was definitely interest in NFTs and their implementation in games. Now the company has surprised with the unveiling of Ubisoft Quartz, a brand new platform on which players can purchase so-called “digits”. At its core, these are NFTs, but they are being used for the first time in an AAA game. Ubisoft will start with Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint for the PC.

From December 9, 2021, Ubisoft Quartz will be available in several countries – Germany will also be right at the start. There are various cosmetic items hidden behind the digits, which will not only appear in limited editions, but will also be given their own serial number. Each item will also name all previous owners, even if the item is no longer in your own possession. Buyers of a digit also receive a certificate from Ubisoft that confirms their claim to ownership of the limited item in the blockchain.

Screenshot – Ubisoft (PC, PlayStation5, Game Culture, XboxSeriesX)

These are the features of the digits:

  • Uniqueness: Each digit is a unique collectible item with an individual serial number that can be seen by others in the game. In addition, current and previous owners are recorded for years, making players an integral part of the game’s story.
  • Playability: Digits are high-quality collectibles in the game with active utility value. Since they are playable, they offer more than just an item to personalize the experience with, but are a real means of completing missions in style.
  • Control: Each digit has a certificate of ownership stored on the blockchain, a decentralized, community-run and Ubisoft-independent technology that gives players greater control than ever before. With digits, items in the game are no longer tied to the players’ inventory, as it is possible to acquire digits from other players outside of the Ubisoft ecosystem.

At the start of Ubisoft Quartz, the publisher will first give away a few digits. These will be available on December 9th, December 12th and December 15th. To participate in the new platform, players must be at least 18 years old and have reached level 5 in Ghost Recon Breakpoint. Ubisoft promises that only cosmetic items will be used for quartz. None of the objects should have a direct influence on the gameplay. You can find out more about Ubisoft’s experiment using Tezos on the environmentally friendly blockchain see here.
