Buy PS5: Today there will probably be another PS5 drop at Media Markt and Saturn

Apparently there is a PS5 drop at Media Markt and Saturn today. MeinMMO tells you what to look out for and which bundles there might be.

What are the advantages of a new drop? After a poor week so far, something is still going on on the PS5 front. The traffic light on the product page of the PS5 Digital + Pulse3D-Headset-Bundles at Media Markt is active.

At Saturn, too, some of the traffic lights have now turned green. We do not yet know exactly which bundles there might be.

But we can at least list which bundles have been sold at both retailers lately:

PS5 bundles at Saturn

PS5 bundles at Media Markt

We hope that you can get hold of a copy should the drop actually come. According to our experts, the timing is pretty atypical.

If you want to stay up to date, have a look at our ticker, which provides you with the most important information about all PS5 drops in December: Buy a PS5 in December 2021 – watch out for these dealers from now on

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