Should Battlefield 2042 remove the specialists? Almost 80% of you agree

At the beginning of the week, we at MeinMMO wanted to know from you what you think of the much-criticized specialists in Battlefield 2042 and whether they should be replaced by the old classes. Here are your answers.

The specialists do not have an easy position in Battlefield 2042. From the beginning they were criticized because they replace the old class system and turn it inside out.

At the same time, there are also supporters in the community who do not see the problem with the specialists, but rather criticize other things about the game. If you don’t know what the specialists are all about, you can find our guide here with an overview of all 10 specialists and their characteristics.

Nonetheless, our survey clearly showed that most of you would prefer to do without specialists and have the old classes back.

Our call was answered by 4908 readers (as of December 11, 8:20 a.m.). Each participant could only cast one vote. The initial question was: Should Battlefield 2042 remove the specialists and bring back the old classes?

This is the result:

  • Yes, I liked the earlier grades better – 79%, 3863 votes
  • I don’t care, I like both systems – 12%, 600 votes
  • No, I like the extra freedom with the specialists – 9%, 445 votes

So the result is pretty clear. Almost 80% of you would like Battlefield 2042 to use the old class system instead of the specialists.

A little more than 20% either have no problem with them or even like the new system. We’ll show you a few voices from the community.

Battlefield 2042 relies on specialists instead of classes – but that bothers many fans

Most want it removed, but some see the problem elsewhere

The mood is not that clear in the comments, but they still roughly reflect the survey. Here are some of the voices against the specialists:

  • ReZZiT says: “Yes, please let the specialists out … just doesn’t fit in at all.”
  • SomeBody writes: “I want the old classes. This can solve many gameplay problems. For example, then not everyone can pack a rocket launcher or the proximity mines. “
  • Boris thinks: “To say the specialists are to blame for everything would be an exaggeration, but they are definitely part of the problem and should be removed or put in hazard mode, which in the end amounts to the same thing.”

But there are also some readers’ voices that the specialists don’t find that bad or see the problems elsewhere.

Reader BavEagle says:

I have a split opinion myself… On the one hand, I really like some of the specialists’s skills and like to play them myself. Tactically there are also some sensible options, but unfortunately also not just a few nonsensical ones.
And on the other hand: Unfortunately, stupid camping with sniper rifles has become more and more established in Battlefield. […] Instead of taking the specialists out of the game, I would like:

Limitation of the weapons selection of the specialists based on their given classes AND revision of the maps, so that unfair positions cannot be occupied that cannot be reached and / or attacked by every soldier without a helicopter, parachute or skill, such as roofs of skyscrapers, on which there is no way leads up, etc

BavEagle, reader of MeinMMO

Reader huhu_2345 also sees the problem in the other mechanics of Battlefield 2042:

I don’t see the specialists as a problem. […] The system leverages itself through design decisions such as B. self-healing vehicles but also yourself. Welding torch no longer needs a pig. Tanks mostly camp in their HQ and fire from there.

huhu_2345, reader of MeinMMO

There are also positive voices about the specialists in the community.

  • Jerry sees it this way: “I really like the freedom to customize your class as you see fit. I would only like to see the “Hero” aspect removed so that I can make a character myself. “
  • Osiris80 sees them as a good substitute if the team play doesn’t work: “I think the specialists are good. Since the community doesn’t know team play anyway, I’m glad that I can take care of myself with heal and ammo and can even rez bots around me that don’t kill anything, but at least distract the opponent a little. And yes, I’m talking about players. “

Many see Portal as the perfect option if they are not in the mood for the new specialists.

  • Alex writes: “I think it’s absolutely okay, I like freedom, if I like it classic, I find enough leeway in Portal.”
  • amoxi sees it similarly: “Anyone who wants to play BF2042 with the old classes is welcome to do so. There is a portal for that. Use the mode. It offers such incredible possibilities. You have to do a little bit for that, but you will be rewarded. “

If you are not familiar with the portal mode, you will find a summary of the mode and what’s in it here.

Specialists get a lot of criticism, but there are other construction sites too

What is the bottom line now? The results of the survey are clear, most would want to do without specialists. But there are also more moderate voices who tend to see the problems in other areas of the game.

A lack of team play is often referred to as such. Some design decisions by developer DICE would also have a negative impact on team play.

The specialists also give some additional freedom, which they welcome in Battlefield. There is also the portal mode, where you can play the old Battlefield classes while the specialists have to stay outside.

What DICE will do with the specialists in the future will definitely be interesting to see. But an insider report suggests that Publisher EA could focus even more on them in the future:

What went wrong in Battlefield 2042? Insider provides insights into development chaos and the future of Battlefield