Destiny 2 removed homosexual hint, was afraid of China and Russia

Destiny 2 is home to a colorful range of NPCs that couldn’t be more different. A published insider report on IGN has now made it clear that a specific NPC has been adapted to market the game in the countries of China and Russia.

What happened On the US site IGN, a journalist spoke to 26 current or former employees of Bungie about the internal processes. This is a multi-page insider report that unearths many of the problems Bungie employees have been through.

However, one of these problems was not directly related to an employee, but to an NPC. It’s about Devrim Kay, the trader and tea-drinking hero from the ETZ. If you listen carefully, you will realize that you have feelings for a same-sex partner.

He spoke of a Marc he missed a lot. The passage was called different before the release and was changed before the release.

Devrim Kay – A trader from the ETZ

Statement about homosexual partner was declared a bug

What was different The story team dealt with many characters from the “Destiny 2” universe, one of which was Devrim. Even before the release of Destiny 2, some speakers recorded passages from NPCs.

It was also stated that Devrim missed his partner. Approved by many exams and edits, this passage was then packed into an internal playable version of Destiny 2, until one of the bosses finally got wind of it. It was then requested that this point should be deleted.

The spoken part was declared a bug and was given to a QA tester to work on the problem. This led to great outrage within the company.

What was the reason? The management told the employees that they cannot export any copies of Destiny 2 to China and Russia that contain such a passage. That would not be compatible with the strict opinions of the respective cultures.

So the team changed the name “Partner” to a specific name “Marc”. As a result, it is not clear to you whether you mean your partner or just a brother or an animal companion.

How is it now? Some things have changed, and equality is now a bigger issue at Bungie. The best example is Saint 14th and Osiris, who apparently have a same-sex relationship. This was neither veiled nor veiled, but clearly and clearly disclosed.

Destiny 2 also uses pins to advertise Pride and Co. and sells them openly in their online shop.

How do you like it today? Do you think Bungie has turned the corner and is on the right track? Let us know how you feel about it in the comments.