Pikmin Bloom: Get a medal at Community Day in December

Community Day starts in Pikmin Bloom on December 18th. We’ll show you all the information and how you can earn a medal.

What kind of event is that? As you already know from other games by the developers of Niantic, a community day takes place once a week in Pikmin Bloom. This is an event that should encourage you to move. Those who take part diligently can look forward to a medal this time.

If you want to take part in Community Day in December, it’s free. We show you the most important information about this in the overview here on MeinMMO.

Pikmin game by Niantic is reminiscent of Pokémon GO and yet is completely different

Community Day in December at Pikmin Bloom

When does it start? Community Day is active all day on Saturday, December 18th.

Community Day in November started with a time limit of 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., but this was lifted for Com-Day in December so that the event runs all day.

What are the rewards?

  • The giant flowers have a higher chance of growing into poinsettias if you plant ordinary blue, red, yellow or white petals around them
  • Germs in your plant backpack grow 1.5 times faster than normal. If you plant flowers, you can increase the speed even further
  • If you manage to reach 10,000 steps during the event, you will receive a special poinsettia flower medal
Pikmin Bloom Medaille Community Day
This is what the poinsettia medal that you can earn at Community Day in December looks like

You have to pay attention to this: Niantic appeals to the “common sense” that you should use as you venture into the 10,000 Step Challenge. Remember that steps are also counted within your house and that you can climb stairs, for example, or take on the challenge on the treadmill, cross trainer or exercise bike.

So you can hatch eggs in Pokémon GO without leaving your house.

Do you play Pikmin Bloom and use it to motivate your movement, or does the principle of the game not appeal to you at all? Write us your opinion here on MeinMMO in the comments and exchange ideas with the community.
