CoD Warzone’s new anti-cheat system is an “overwhelming success” according to fans, but it has a catch

Call of Duty: Warzone has a new anti-cheat system. RICOCHET is supposed to clean up where its predecessors failed and can already boast some successes. According to fans, the system should work well – but not everyone can really enjoy it.

What kind of new system is that? The new anti-cheat system RICOCHET has been in the game since Season 1 of Vanguard / Warzone and has also been active in Germany since December 15th. It should monitor several areas at the same time and make life difficult for cheating.

Cheaters have been a problem for the Call of Duty franchise for many years. The games are particularly prone to cheating who spoil the fun for the honest players with aimots, wallhacks or more. As a free game, Warzone is particularly affected.

So far, the old systems have not been able to cope with the flood of cheaters. The problem seems to be slowly resolving itself – the fans agree, too, because RICOCHET has already proven to be extremely effective:

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What the players say: In the subreddit of Warzone is one of the currently largest threads the experience report on RICOCHET. The user Chef-Aldo calls it an “overwhelming success” and other users agree.

It seems to be working, even if RICOCHET still needs a number of attempts to recognize and punish cheaters. But that’s still better than not getting rid of them at all.

According to fans, the system still seems to have a few difficulties with wallhacks. However, at the moment, players see a bigger problem.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare Wand Scope Titel mit Typ Wallhack
With a wallhack, opponents can see you through walls. Some perks in Vanguard and devices in Warzone work similarly.

Less cheaters, but not everyone can enjoy it

What’s the catch? Even if RICOCHET apparently helps, there are currently problems with Warzone itself. thing85 for example writes: “RICOCHET seems to be working. It’s just a shame that most of us can’t really enjoy it. “

With this, the user gets a lot of approval and comments with similar reports. The fans are probably referring to several things that just don’t work at Warzone:

Is it really so bad? Keep in mind that complaints on reddit often do not reflect the general public. Fans often complain, while those who have no problems simply gamble. This distorts the picture a bit, even if Warzone is currently not working properly for all players.

Do you also have major problems with Warzone right now? How satisfied are you with RICOCHET currently?