5 annoying things each of you has seen in an MMORPG chat

Some experiences in MMORPGs are unique. Others, however, we have all done before. Here are 5 things each of you might have noticed in a public chat. Like it or not.

One of the nice things about MMORPGs is that countless people can exchange ideas there in the global chat.
One of the annoying things about MMORPGs is that countless people can exchange ideas in the global chat.

Accordingly, the global chat in some virtual worlds is a reservoir for stupid comments, personal warfare between players and other less pleasant topics of conversation.

In this article, you’ll find 5 annoying things that each of you have seen in a public MMORPG chat.

Gold Seller

The Gold Seller and RMT (Real Money Trader) bots have been around in MMORPGs for ages. How often have some of us been greeted by a Mr. Endoihgse Pdjnejs or similar when logging in directly with a message in the public chat that it was on the [Verdächtige Seite X] [eine beliebige Summe an Gold] for only” [Preis in €] are?

It’s also quite cheap. The cheapest price one can find. And delivery is super-fast and guaranteed safe. Nobody will catch you either because the methods of delivery are absolutely foolproof. So you don’t have to worry about your account and especially not about your credit card. It’s all completely safe and trustworthy.

But wherever there is supply, there is also demand, as is well known. And so many an MMORPG player has let himself be seduced into using his bank account to get ahead instead of his skills and playing time.

ffxiv rmt spam
There was a time in FFXIV when the gold sellers were unbearable

Players who complain about anything

The eternal complainers can be found everywhere in our lives. In your own circle of friends, at work, in the neighborhood and of course in our online communities. In MMORPGs these complainers sit in the public chat and talk and talk and talk.

Because everything in the MMORPG sucks. Without exception. The old content sucks, the new too. The casual content is too casual, as any blindfolded idiot can do with a broken arm. But the hardcore content is far too heavy at times. Was the dirt made for him at all? Hartz IV recipient? The devs have no idea about their own game. And anyway, why has class XY not yet been nerfed?

And so it goes on incessantly all day long. These grumblers have made public chat grumbling a new art form. They hate every single aspect of the MMO they play. And yet they log in every day.

WoW Angry Blood Elf Draenei titel title 1280x720
“Fixing this problem is that easy, isn’t it? How stupid are the developers please? “

Players who praise everything in the sky

In stark contrast to the complainers in MMORPGs are the fankiddies. You are the holy guard, the great protector, the last line of defense that protects your beloved game from this terrible damaging criticism. Because in YOUR game everything is perfect.

Every gameplay mechanic, pixel and polygon is exactly as it should be. No, the boss is not badly balanced. You haters just have no idea how to play properly. The MMORPG won’t just serve you everything on a silver platter. And the mechanics aren’t boring. Did you watch it in game Y? This is boring. I don’t know why people celebrate it like that there.

You’d think that these players’ greatest enemies would be the haters. But that is not the case. It is anyone who expresses even the slightest criticism of their beloved MMORPG. And these fiends have to be discussed thoroughly in public chat.

“Accidental” ERP

Imagine: You are quietly chatting in the public MMORPG chat about the latest update or asking for tips, don’t do anything to anyone. And suddenly a message appears in your chat window in the direction of “Player Y gently strokes XXXX and lies down XXXXX so that XXX can do XXXXXX better.”

Followed closely by an “Oops, wrong chat”. But it’s too late. Everyone has seen the news now. But instead of ignoring the part neatly like real gentlemen, it now becomes the focus of the entire conversation. While the first reactions tend to be more in the direction of “LOL” or “WTF”, this is followed by questions that want to know more specifically whether the sender meant XXXX or rather XXXXXX.

At the time, nobody is interested in whether RPG, i.e. an erotic role-playing game, was really going on or someone was just trolling. It is wildly debated whether XXXXXX is even possible with the race of the character and that something like this should be banned at all. Really.

Guild Advertising Spam

12:33 [Global]: “HEY YOU! EXACTLY YOU ME ME! Are you always traveling alone and feeling lonely? No problem! We, the guild [Generischer Name Y] are looking for you! We are a family guild, in which there is definitely no drama or group formation and in which everyone is treated equally.

Our gates are open to all types of players: complete newbies, casual players who like a relaxed atmosphere and humor, veterans and hardcore players who want to get their way in PvP and PvE. You have come to the right place with us and you will surely find your new home!

And most importantly [Generischer Gildenname Y] is: FUN is our top priority! So apply on ours [Gilden-Seite] or send me a message. We look forward to you!

12:34 [Global]: “HEY YOU! EXACTLY YOU ME ME! Are you always traveling alone … “

12:35 [Global]: “HEY YOU! EXACTLY YOU ME ME! Are you always traveling alone … ”

Which annoying topics or people do you still know from the global chat of your MMORPGs? Write them to us in the comments.
