The largest German Twitch streamers comment on anti-vaccination campaigns – the hut is on fire

In the last few days, two of the largest German gaming streamers on Twitch have dealt with the corona vaccination and opponents of this vaccination. The streamer Trymacs wished everyone a Happy New Year in a New Year’s tweet. MontanaBlack folded a vaccine opponent in the stream. One video can still be found online – the other no longer.

What did MontanaBlack say earlier? MontanaBlack’s opinion on Corona fluctuates. Like many Germans over the past 2 years, he apparently went through different phases of forming an opinion:

  • At the end of 2020, he criticized details of the lockdown at the time. He was annoyed, for example, that flower shops in his hometown Buxtehude had to close, but flower sales in the supermarket continued. It bothered him that he could no longer go to his favorite restaurant and travel freely.
  • On the other hand, MontanaBlack demanded a “hard lockdown, Diggah, – 4, 5 weeks everything” at the end of 2020. Germany is still too lax when it comes to the measures.
  • As reported by Watson, he was of the opinion at the time that he did not want to be forced to have a vaccination. In September 2021, he told fans that he was not vaccinated (via watson).

MontanaBlack wants to leave Germany: “That’s 400,000 € more on my account”

MontanaBlack from vaccination skeptic to triple vaccination

What is he saying now? On December 24, according to Watson, he said in a post on SternTV: He and his family were double-vaccinated and boosted. But he said he was neutral on the subject.

He also refused to take part in a “government campaign” even though he was offered a five-digit euro sum. allegedly € 50,000,

In a live stream on Twitch, he now folded a vaccination opponent:

If you are someone who thinks that the vaccination will give them a chip that will be used by the state to monitor them, then just piss off and please don’t come back. Nobody will miss you.


He said he did not want to offend anyone who did not get vaccinated for health reasons. He also understands when someone is afraid of injections. But vaccination opponents are “just dirt”, they shouldn’t support him any longer and no longer watch his streams.

In December he had already stated that he was no longer in the mood for “some idiotic lateral thinker full of posts” to screw up the next 5 years of his life because Corona was still going on for so long.

How are the reactions? On Twitter, MontanaBlack seems to have alienated some of its followers:

  • One user says he is “immensely disappointed with MontanaBlack” – he would “spit in the faces of his viewers and people”.
  • Another user speaks of “division and agitation against unvaccinated people”
  • However, some users support MontanaBlack. They say: “Just get vaccinated and don’t cry.”

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On Twitter, users bring up the topic of “Corona” – but MontanaBlack itself is silent about it.

MontanaBlack seems to distance itself from the topic

This is noticeable in the statements from MontanaBlack:

  • During the research, it is noticeable that there were Twitch clips from Sunday in which MontanaBlack spoke about anti-vaccination campaigns. In the meantime, none of them can be called up. They seem to be the only current clips that are no longer accessible.
  • The YouTube channels, which evaluate the MontanaBlack streams and which MontanaBlack controls, do not deal with this topic either.
  • In addition, there are no tweets from MontanaBlack on the subject of Corona.

It is apparently a topic on which MontanaBlack does not want to position itself as clearly as others in public. This also fits the decision not to participate in a government campaign.

Trymacs Papaplatte record attendance
This is Trymacs (center), the second largest German gaming streamer.

Trymacs celebrates criticism of vaccinators, is happy about provocation

What did Trymacs do? The streamer Trymacs created a tweet on January 1st: “I wish everyone who was vaccinated a Happy New Year!”

These are the reactions:

  • There is broad approval for the tweet. But there is also criticism.
  • One user says: Vaccinated people are “ultra stupid people”. Because there is no country where a high vaccination rate has led to a low incidence.
  • A user accuses Trymacs of “discriminating” against unvaccinated people. Racism would upset everyone, but it is okay to discriminate against those who have not been vaccinated. That shows “where you have come” – Trymacs has to “just show humanity”.
  • The Twitch streamer dance ban collects likes with the tweet that he wishes “everyone” a happy new year.

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Trymacs enjoys provocation

That was the idea behind: Like Trymacs in one YouTube-Video explained that it was a very conscious reaction to trigger “anti-vaccination and lateral thinkers”.

He was delighted in a video that his tweet was shared in Telegram groups and discussed so much.

However, he feels sorry for people who could not be vaccinated against Corona for health reasons – he did not want to provoke them with his tweet, but “anti-vaccination opponents and oathers”.

This is noticeable in the statement: Trymacs is apparently really indulging in the headwind and celebrating the excitement in a large YouTube video.

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This is behind it: The exciting thing is that politicians apparently wanted to “buy” a statement from MontanaBlack with the invitation to the vaccination campaign. In Berlin, too, people have recognized the influence the streamer has on German-speaking youth. A Twitter user said after the election that the FDP was only so strong with young people because the liberal millionaires chasing after Twitch who had expressed themselves critically about the Greens and who commented on their own wallets. That meant MontanaBlack and Trymacs (via twitter).

But MontanaBlack did not want to get involved here – allegedly despite a lot of money:

  • MontanaBlack apparently sees the Corona situation differently, tries to remain “neutral” – apparently does not want to bend itself and deliberately does not want to annoy fans by stinging too aggressively on the topic.
  • Trymacs, on the other hand, doesn’t seem to have a problem commenting on it – they still enjoy the reactions.

Twitch: The 5 largest German streamers currently in terms of active viewers