WoW DPS ranking for Shadowlands – These classes do the most damage

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands has received its second raid: The Sanctum of Dominion from patch 9.1, in which you face off against Sylvanas Windrunner. MeinMMO introduces you to the best classes in the DPS ranking.

Update from January 5, 2022: We have updated the list with the latest numbers.

On July 7th, 2021 the new raid Sanctum of Dominion started in heroic and normal mode. The new raid comprises a total of 10 bosses and takes place in Torghast, the tower of the jailer, whose troops you attack in the new patch 9.1. You will meet the Tarragrue from Torghast and even have a reunion with well-known WoW characters such as Kel’thuzad and Ner’zhul.

Patch 9.1.5 has now been released and has brought some changes with it. So it is now easier to change the pacts and the farming of the important media for your soul bonds is faster. This makes it easier to play and try out twinks and other classes, for example.

A lot has happened since the release of the Sanctum of Dominion. We take a look at the current best damage classes in Shadowlands.

Shadowlands DPS Ranking: The Best Classes in the Sanctum of Dominion

Since the Sanctum of Dominion was released, thousands of players in all modes have battled the new bosses. If you still lack the kill on the final boss, you can alternatively see the Sylvanas cinematic here with us at the end of the Sanctum of Dominion.

For our list, we will refer to the data from warcraftlogs. We’re looking at the heroic mode with a percentile value of 75 across all bosses (as of January 5th, 2022, via

place class DPS
1 Balance Druid 9.210
2 Assassin villain 9.019
3 Arcane Mage 8.665
4 Shadow priest 8.498
5 Fire magician 8.467
6 Weapons warrior 8.403
7 Devastation Demon Hunters 8.321
8 Feral Druid 8.248
9 Demonology Witcher 8.170
10 Deception villain 8.149
11 Lawlessness villain 8.077
12 Beast Mastery Hunter 8.051
13 Amplifier Shaman 7.856
14 Unholy Death Knight 7.573
15 Destruction Sorcerer 7.378
16 Vergelter-Paladin 7.320
17 Marksmanship Hunter 7.281
18 Frost death knight 7.269
19 Survival hunter 7.205
20 Frost magician 7.174
21 Furor-Krieger 7.145
22 Elemental shaman 6.993
23 Windrunner Monk 6.979
24 Infirmity Sorcerer 6.778

The winners: Balance druids have been strong since the raid was released, but are now the undisputed top. This is mainly due to the fact that their pact skills sometimes achieve absurd damage peaks, which all other classes depend on.

Fire magicians can be happy too – from last place to the top 5. Outlaw villains have also made up some places. The classes apparently scale better with increasing equipment.

The general DPS has also increased significantly – between 1,000 and 2,500 points, depending on the class.

The losers: Deception villains have slipped from first place to midfield and are joining their lawless colleagues there. Weapons Warriors have also slipped a few places down from their former second place.

Otherwise relatively little has shifted, only the extremes have dragged on a little further. There is now a larger margin between place 1 and place 24. Most classes, however, are quite close together. Not too much will happen either. Many players are now waiting for the new patch 9.2:

WoW: Patch 9.2 – All information about the content: Raid, tier sets, release

Note that even after a long time, some specializations are rarely played. Survival hunters, for example, only have 6,078 runs in the list, so the numbers there are not quite as meaningful as the specs that are played more often.

The right pact for every class

An important part of the DPS for each class are the new Shadowlands Pacts, the big core feature. Covenants are four factions in the Shadowlands that you can choose one to join.

For each class a different pact is the best, but not every player wants to play the mathematically best pact, because someone else simply likes him more. In our special we explain to you which pact is best for which class.

What about with you? Do the numbers from your raid match the logs of the other players or do you have an exceptional talent in your group? Have you already laid Sylvanas or are you still missing a little before you can blow the lights out of the banshee?

If you are considering starting over for the final battle, you will find the 3 best classes for beginners and returnees in WoW here on MeinMMO.