How to remove knife and fork marks from dishes quickly and easily

White or light colored plates and dishes are often very susceptible to marks caused by forks and knives. With this simple trick you will be able to easily remove them without damaging the enamel.

White tableware is a classic of family celebrations like the ones we have just experienced. The usual thing in many houses is that this type of tableware is only used in these special moments, to then be stored in many cases until the following year.

The problem with white or light-colored dishes is that they are very delicate and often end up with gray marks from scrapes from forks, spoons, and knives over the years.

Some complicated stains that are not usually completely removed by manual washing or in the dishwasher, and that need a special treatment to be removed.

To remove stains from dishes you need time, some effort, a little water and a rare ingredient, but easily available in supermarkets.

If no matter how much you rub you are not able to remove the dirt from a burned pot, with this viral trick you will achieve it in a few minutes and without any effort.

It is cream of tartar or potassium bitartrate, a substance that acts as a mild abrasive to remove stains from dishes without damaging the enamel.

In the kitchen cream of tartar is used as a stabilizer for egg whites or meringues, and as a substitute for chemical boosters in confectionery, commonly cooked as royal yeast.

The easiest way to get it in supermarkets is through the popular gasifiers or litines available in large stores such as Mercadona, inside which you will find two types of envelopes, some with bicarbonate and others with cream of tartar.

Too you can buy it on AmazonAlthough if you are not going to use it regularly, you may not be interested in buying a large quantity.

Once we have the item in question, we just have to create a small paste with water and gently rub the mixture, directly with your finger on the marks of the dishes, as you can see in this vídeo de Clean My Space:

If the marks are not too deep they should come out quite easily, if they are deeper they will fade, but it is likely that they will not disappear.

For these extreme cases the only solution is to resort to a chemical cleaner that has oxalic acid in its composition, a very effective compound for removing rust and ink stains.