You don’t choose to like black coffee, it’s in your genes

The pleasure that some people feel with black coffee or dark chocolate comes not only from taste, but also from their genes.

There is usually no middle ground with black coffee either enchants or rejects. The normal thing in our country is to take it with milk, although depending on the culture, or the same access to dairy, there are other territories where it is taken mostly alone. But the one that each person likes more or less may be associated with genes.

In the magazine Nature Scientific Reports have published research on the relationship of this drink and dark chocolate with taste and genes. The conclusion has been that the latter is especially important, even more than the pleasure of the bitter taste in the mouth.

In drinking coffee, the body’s ability to metabolize caffeine and also what is called having a learned effect is of vital importance.

Since the 15th century we have consumed roasted and ground coffee. If you want to remain faithful to tradition, nothing better than preparing it yourself at home. Drip coffee makers or modern capsule coffee machines, which one do you prefer?

Marilyn Cornelis of Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago says that some people “they equate the natural bitterness of caffeine with a psychostimulatory effect. They learn to associate bitterness with caffeine and the urge they feel. We are seeing a learned effect“.

This causes that when they think of caffeine, too “they think of a bitter taste, so they enjoy black coffee and, in the same way, dark chocolate“, they publish in News24.

The fact is that when studying genetic, dietary and food preference data, they found that people with the same genetic variant tend to prefer bitter foods and that the dark coffee drinker also has a natural disposition to drink dark chocolate.

In any case, this situation does not remove so that the effects are sometimes not the desired ones or that the same blood pressure of the people is not affected by ingesting a large amount of coffee.