Developer brought employees as DLC characters to secretly finance his prosthesis after an accident

The Russian mobile developer Pixonic has installed an employee as a DLC character in their game War Robots. The proceeds were used without his knowledge or that of the player to finance a prosthesis after he had a serious car accident in 2019 and lost his arm.

What has happened there? Andrey Kvasov works for Piconix, the developer of the mobile game War Robots. There he works in the IT department. In November 2019, he had a serious accident while on vacation in the Dominican Republic. A truck crashed into the tourist bus.

In the accident, Andrey lost his left arm and a finger on his right hand. The tragic incident led to a beautiful story that Andrey has now shared.

Developer created their own character with a background story for their employees

This is how his employer helped him: To support him, the studio released a DLC character dedicated to their collaborator, which even bears the same name. The proceeds were supposed to finance the required Andrey prosthesis.

The skin appeared in the summer of 2021, but Pixonic kept the background information to itself for a long time. Now Andrey has told the story himself in a Russian forum (via Pikabu).

Even as a child I dreamed of becoming a character in a computer game, […]. On my first day at work after the accident, my colleague Karina came up to me and said: “Listen, Andrej, don’t you want to be a pilot? We can rethink your story and somehow bring it into play. ” I didn’t even think of refusing.

The in-game description of the character reads: “Dedicated to Adrey Kvasov. Andrey, you are a cool pro who are a pleasure to work with. In a situation that would break many, you not only stayed strong, but maintained a positive attitude and inspired us all. “

The pilot was included in the War Robots Battle Pass and therefore had to be bought by players with real money. What they did not know: Both the appearance and the background story are real and with the purchase they initially supported the financing of the prosthetic arm for Andrey without their knowledge.

Here you can see the direct comparison between the two Andreys. (via Pikabu)

According to his own statement, he didn’t even know about it himself:

The figure was sold in a special package and the proceeds went to a prosthesis. […] I did not find out about it right away, but only a few months later when a certain amount had accumulated. […] That was a big and pleasant surprise for me. Even the players only found out afterwards that the story was true. Each pilot owner received a free buff and a notification that the money invested in this promotion was used to purchase a prosthesis for a real person. The players took the news very positively and I got a lot of nice words.

How is he today Now Andrey lives a “normal life” by his own admission, goes to the gym regularly, works normally and continues to play video games. His injury is no longer a major obstacle in his everyday life.

He also has a message: “I want to wish everyone good health. It’s cheesy, but it’s the kind of thing you don’t learn to appreciate until you lose it. And I also hope that you see the good where it doesn’t seem to be at first glance. It’s definitely there – I’ve checked. “

He also makes it clear that fortunately there are now some devices that allow people with disabilities like his to experience the full gaming experience.

Andrey is one of many examples that shows how many people remain optimistic despite such serious events and, thanks to the appropriate hardware, can continue to be active as gamers.

Another example is Niklas Lugisland, who became a FIFA professional despite being disabled.