Star Citizen: Squadron 42: Star Citizen’s single player campaign release is still several years away

In parallel to Star Citizen, the Cloud Imperium Games team has been working on the Squadron 42 single-player campaign for a long time. In the current issue of MCV/Develop COO Carl Jones spoke about the current situation of the space opera. According to him, studio boss Chris Roberts has returned to the UK to work on-site with the team on Squadron 42 and to speed things up.

Carl Jones did not want to give a preview of when the title could be finished. However, he indicated that Chris Roberts will likely stay in the UK for another year or two before moving back to Los Angeles. That doesn’t mean, however, that Squadron 42 could be out in two years. But the team at Cloud Imperium is confident when it comes to the game. A sequel is already planned that will go into production as soon as the new studio in Manchester (we reported) is running at full speed. The COO has not yet announced an end to Star Citizen’s alpha.