Fortnite now has new dinosaurs – this is how you use the Klombos

In Fortnite, giant dinosaurs called “Klombos” make the island unsafe. How you can use the gigantic beings, we show you here.

Where are the dinosaurs in Fortnite? The Klombos can spawn randomly on the map since the new update. Multiple dinosaurs appear per match, so you can try your luck across the map.

However, according to the current status, there are no fixed spawn points for the Klombos. However, players report:

The area around Tilted Towers should be a pretty popular landing spot in Fortnite right now – after all, the fan-favorite of old has only just returned.

So if you just want to look for the Klombos, you might want to pick a different starting area. The dinosaurs are literally huge and can easily be seen from afar and from the air. So just keep your eyes peeled when landing.

What are Klombos and Klomberries in Fortnite?

What are the dinosaurs doing? Don’t worry if you meet the Klombos. In contrast to the aggressive raptors from previous seasons, the Klombos are peaceful giants that walk around as calmly as possible and occasionally suck up food.

However, that changes when you attack them. Then the Klombos become aggressive and attack you.

Fortnite Dino Klombo

How to use the dinosaurs: The dinos can eat objects in front of them by sucking them in. Above all, they let themselves be attracted by the new “Klomberries”. When a Klombo eats, the dinosaur blows objects out of a breathing hole in its head. These items can be really strong – so you can use the dinosaur as a loot source.

You can also use the air blast from his head to catapult yourself a few meters away. So you get a mobility variant in addition to the new tornadoes or the Spider-Man web shooters.

Where can I find clomberries? You can pick the logberries from bushes to either eat them yourself for stamina or to feed them to the logbo. A popular place to find the berries is “Haven’s Oasis” in the south of the map, below Rocky Reels and Greasy Grove, west of Chonkers Speedway.

You will immediately notice the Klombos with their unusual look. Speaking of looks: did you know that Fortnite professionals like to play with lousy graphics?