Avatars arrive in the Instagram app: so you can create your own

Little by little, Mark Zuckerberg’s team is expanding the possibilities of Instagram, the only social giant that is currently competing with TikTok. Avatars may have come from that struggle for differentiation.

The avatar world is dominated by two main players, Facebook and Apple. These two companies made it fashionable to create digital versions of ourselves perfect for sending to our friends.

In this way, users had an easier time reacting to something funny in a chat compared to having only emojis. Because, what better than ourselves laughing at a joke? Emoticons seemed to have their days numbered.

For this reason almost all companies dared to take the step, each creating its own avatar tool. Facebook arrived about four years ago, Apple a few more.

Well, having said that, it seems that Instagram’s turn has come for avatars, despite the fact that from what has been seen we could rather assure that it is a cut / paste of the tool on Facebook but taken to the app of the images and the stories.

As we see in Xataka, some users are getting the option to generate custom avatars from within the app itself. Being able to recreate oneself through a small creation tool.

This tool seems to be quite crude and limited, but like all, it has so that we can customize our character: hair color, clothes, glasses, facial hair, types of eyes, etc.

But the question is: are they good for anything? The short answer is no. They are useless, at least not currently, since they ensure that once the avatar is created, the only thing we can do is synchronize the creation with the Facebook and Instagram profiles so that they are used as a profile.

Ideally, in the near future, these avatars could be used to react to photos or stories, being able to send them through the application, which already has all kinds of emojis available. A leap towards avatars would greatly personalize the service and users would surely appreciate it.

Thinking of buying followers on Instagram? Before doing so, take a few minutes to read this report: we explain why it is a terrible mistake.

But, being Facebook (now known as Meta) it wouldn’t be surprising if this whole ploy was nothing more than a test bed that, in a few months, it will disappear, like so many additions before.

Companies of this type are dedicated to adding and removing all kinds of tools and content, since they spend their lives in proof of concept and design, measuring the response of users and their use, in order to create new products later. So you know, better not get attached.
