The madness of NFTs or how to become a millionaire selling selfies

Your selfies can have more value than you think and that a person has managed to become a millionaire selling photographs of his face taken for five years is the perfect example of this.

By taking a photograph we capture a moment for posterity. These memories have a value that is difficult to calculate, although there is a person who has put a price on them and who, to everyone’s surprise, has become a millionaire overnight.

The most curious thing about this story is that the photographs that have been sold are selfies. Yes, the typical photos that you take to send to your friends and family or that you upload to social networks. Let’s see how our protagonist has managed to earn so much money.

Sultan Gustaf Al Ghozalu is a 22-year-old computer science student who decided to take a photo every day for five years. The reason for this decision was to later generate a video in which the passage of time could be appreciated.

After having taken so many photos and being satisfied with the result, he decided to turn each and every one of these photos into an NFT. This move was accompanied by its being put up for sale on OpenSea.

for no apparent reason the pictures of Sultan Gustaf began to be sold, in fact, he himself showed some surprise when he saw that there were people interested in buying NFTs which are basically photos of your face.

The initial price of each photograph was three dollars, but after information began to circulate about a person who had taken photos for five years, the price rose. It was a well-known cook from Indonesia who started this fever.

This caused that even some photographs were sold for 3,000 euros, although the rest continued to maintain the starting price. How much have you earned? The platform estimates suggest that it has obtained 317 ETH.

The conversion of this currency at the time of publication of this article is more than one million euros, although this market is volatile and can change at any time.

What has happened to Sultan Gustaf Al Ghozalu is no less a clear example of how strange the operation of NFTs is. These traceable electronic assets have been awarded an almost unreal value.

This year may be year of NFTs and cryptocurrencies, so we will have to wait and watch to see if more extravagant and raucous events occur as has been the case of selfies worth more than a million euros.