Quantum dots in solar panels achieve record levels

Quantum dots are increasingly better used in photovoltaic energy, as shown by the latest results.

Although we have been seeing how photovoltaic energy advances for many years, sometimes it seems that there is still one more big jump is yet to be seen. In this sense, quantum dots can be very important after the efficiency they are demonstrating in the latest tests.

Quantum dots, or quantum dots, are ultrafine semiconducting materials at the nanoscale level that are increasingly achieving greater stability and efficiency in solar cells, something that is seen especially with those of perovskite.

Perovskite has already proven to be a very interesting mineral capable of enhancing the absorption of light waves. Since 2019 we have been talking about making solar panels available to everyone and the results have been pointing in the right direction for some time.

It is time for renewable energies. The context promotes investment in green power plants. Hand in hand, self-consumption flourishes in homes as a way not only to guarantee the consumption of clean energy but also to reduce energy expenditure.

Now it has been possible to verify that the sum of perovskite and a layer of quantum dots in the panels “gives as a result a more stable solar cell with near-record efficiency“, they report in New Atlas.

Researchers and engineers at EPFL and the Korea Energy Research Institute have experimented with quantum dots made from tin oxide to transfer electrons. The results are that increased ability to capture light.

In the latest tests figures of up to 25.7% conversion efficiency. These practically equal the record that currently exists, and with a view to further optimizing the technology.

In any case, you should also work on the big problem with perovskite solar cells: stability. Managing to attenuate it and optimize the quantum dots can lead to further boosting these figures.
