Playing Rainbow Six Extraction alone: ​​What you have to consider in solo mode

You can also play Rainbow Six Extraction alone.
You can also play Rainbow Six Extraction alone.

In Rainbow Six Extraction, the operators from Rainbow Six Siege are investigating a mysterious species of aliens called Chimera that has invaded the United States. Right from the start, Ubisoft made it clear that the game was a PVE co-op title. Ideally, you throw yourself into the missions in a group of three.

But what if you don’t have enough friends on hand and don’t want to play with randoms via matchmaking? Then, fortunately, Extraction also works on its own. You can also gamble the bets with the exciting risk-reward principle solo, for which there is even a separate cutscene in the game for the first corresponding game. However, there are a few things you should definitely know about solo missions.

  1. There are no AI bots!
    In Extraction, playing alone means actually being alone. In other words, you cannot replace missing human players with computer-controlled bots. So you are completely on your own and cannot hope for help from anyone else. This makes the atmosphere within the areas even more exciting and therefore interesting, sometimes Extraction even feels like a horror game.
  2. Don’t be afraid of the difficulty level!
    Due to the fact that the game scales the mission goals and number of opponents within the areas depending on the number of players, you will have to deal with significantly fewer archaic critters if you play alone. Even mission objectives, in which several people are normally scheduled – for example when transporting the bombs – are scaled so that you only have to run once and not do the same thing three times. With a correspondingly careful approach, we found the first two levels of difficulty to be manageable on our own, but from the third level “Heavy” it got tricky.
  3. Pack the revival!
    The lack of co-op colleagues in Extraction also means that nobody can help you if you are in a down state or unconscious. This situation automatically means the loss of the respective operator solo. So be sure to pack the revive if you’re playing alone. This REACT technology can be unlocked comparatively early and gives you a second chance, which can often be decisive in Extraction.
  4. Missing Operators are particularly easy to rescue on their own
    This is our experience from the first few hours of playing with Extraction. If you lose an operator in the mission, the effort to get it back is the least in a solo mission, especially on the lowest difficulty. Because here the “Rescue Operator” mission appears almost exclusively in the first section of an operation and the rescue operation itself is also much easier to manage thanks to the significantly lower number of connections to the archaen tree. Note, however, that you’ll have to switch back and forth between pulling out the operator and shooting the glowing dots, so you’re responsible for both.
  5. No solo bonuses, but still a good leveling opportunity
    Anyone who moves alone to the contaminated areas of operation should not count on special XP rewards in Extraction, because these are distributed regardless of the number of players. But solo games are a good way to level up the operators or the overall rank. This is mainly due to the fact that you can approach the studies – i.e. the side tasks – much more concentrated and you don’t have to worry that your teammates will snatch them from under your nose.

Together you are less alone

In general, the solo mode works without any problems and in a few places even has minor advantages over the co-op missions. In our experience, however, Extraction is a lot more fun with one or even better two players – no wonder, since it is also designed for this number of players.

By the way, you will find other players in Extraction not only on your own, but also on all other systems – thanks to crossplay:

Rainbow Six Extraction has crossplay and here's all the info on it


more on the subject

Rainbow Six Extraction has crossplay and here’s all the info on it

Rainbow Six Extraction will be available on January 20, 2022 for the PS5, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, Xbox One, PC and Google Stadia. Like the game in our GamePro test performs, you can find out here.