Destiny 2: Stasis Titans easily beat up raid bosses – And the build is very simple

In Destiny 2, many creative Wardens are inventing different ways to kill bosses. Now Titans have found a way to easily take down almost any raid boss with Stasis and their fists. We at MeinMMO show you the build.

Why are Stasis Titans so strong? In the YouTube video by HaterTheOne shows how Stasis Titans benefit from shattering through a change made by Bungie. This requires five Titans with the Colossus ultimate and one Titan with the protective Bubble for his purposes.

Bungie’s update weeks ago increased the explosion damage from shattering the Stasis Crystals to 60% in PvE. The titans in particular benefit from this, since their super spawns many crystals, which explode and reappear with subsequent hits.

Through every boss with icy fists

What is needed? The backbone of this tactic is, above all, the Colossus Titan. This is required with the following aspects and fragments:

  • Tectonic Harvest – Aspect
  • Diamond Lance – Aspect
  • Whisper of Rifts – Fragment
  • Whisper of Fragments – Fragment
  • Whisper of Tearing – Fragment
  • Whisper of Conduit – Fragment
  • Whisper of Chains – Fragment
Is shattering the new insider tip?

If you have these equipped, you should also put on the exotic arms “Synthozeps” as they cause increased super and melee damage when surrounded.

You can choose the mods freely, but the YouTuber has chosen the mods: Elemental Fragments, Elementarladung and protective light decided. Picking up Stasis Crystals will count them as Elemental Sources and with the Elemental Charge mod charge him with Light as a result.

Thus, if his shield runs low, he gains increased damage resistance and can take more damage.

How does the build work? If you are with Riven, the Thousand Voices, prepare yourself and position yourself next to her arm. When she pops out, a Titan will pop his bubble and fire the tractor cannon at the boss.

The remaining Titans ignite their Super and use their Glacial Quake for the entire duration of the Damage phase. With this, all Stasis Titans create the crushing crystals on Riven’s arm. When these explode, they cause immense damage to the raid boss.

To demonstrate the extent, we embed the video from HaterTheOne:

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Is the build worth it? The build is definitely worth trying. With the new adjustment to explosive damage, other builds in raids can also be seen and it doesn’t always have to be the thunderclap combo.

The good thing here is that anyone who has played Beyond Light extensively will have the required aspects and fragments for this build. So all you have to do is insert them and select a Titan as the “Tractor Gun Holder”. You don’t need quest exos or special mods to get started.

The mods listed are recommended, but if you don’t own them, they can be swapped out and repurposed according to your standards. So if you feel like a little variety in the raids in the meantime, you should give the build a chance.

What do you think of the build? Have you already tried something like this or did Bungie’s change from December 2021 pass you by? Let us know how you feel about it in the comments!