The “deceptions” of supermarkets so that we fill the shopping cart more

These are all the commercial strategies that a supermarket makes available so that you fill the shopping basket to the top.

Surely it has not been the first time that you have entered a supermarket and you have spent more money than you thought, and no, it is not that you really needed something else, but that the layout of the supermarket “has invited you”, without you knowing it, to fill the shopping basket much more.

And it is no mystery that all supermarkets are created so that the customer leaves as much money as possible, taking products along the way that he had not initially thought of.

And it is that the design of a supermarket is based on hundreds of previous studies of marketing but also of psychology to try to know our weaknesses when making the purchase.

Mercadona is the leading supermarket in Spain, but what is the secret of its success? Pay attention to these curiosities that make it a different company.

As you may have noticed, most supermarkets have no or very few windowsThis is because direct natural light can end up spoiling certain foods such as fruits or vegetables, which are usually always in rooms away from windows.

The fact that there are no windows helps the consumer to concentrate more on the purchase so that the supermarket can, with a set of sets of lights, set each of the rooms to make them much more suitable for purchase.

So we can see colors like blue for areas of hygiene products or home care to give freshness and cleanliness; green and brown dedicated to natural products such as fruit and vegetables; white is dedicated to the technology and electrical appliances sales area while black is usually left for the perfumery area.

Every time you go shopping, from the moment you enter the store you are seeing before your eyes exactly what those responsible for the supermarket want you to see. We are going to see 20 traps that they use so that you always end up spending more money.

On the other hand, the disposition of the products in the different lines is not a coincidence.

In general, the products that are sold the most are those that are at the height of the eyes of adults, while products more focused on children such as sweets and toys are usually almost at ground level, to make it easier for children to interact or pick up these items and put them in the shopping cart.

They are also usually located at the back of the supermarket, almost at the end, basic or essential products such as bread, eggs and milk so that the customer is forced to go through the entire supermarket to pick them up, and in the process perhaps introduces in his basket some product that I had not originally thought of.

Finally, the checkout line is also designed so that it is always on the left in the supermarket, and since 90% of consumers are right-handed and tend to drive on the right, it makes for a more natural route starting through the right area of ​​the supermarket and ending on the left where the checkouts are.

And even if you think you know all the tricks of supermarkets, you may be convinced by the type of handles that the shopping cart has.