4 reasons to choose an iPhone over an Android

Android users themselves reveal the reasons that made them switch to the iPhone.

The smartphone market lives a duopoly for many years in which iOS and Android coexist with a fairly distributed weight in the market. In certain markets such as the United States or Japan, the market share is practically distributed to 50%. While in other places, such as Spain and many Latin American countries, Android reaches much higher market shares than the iPhone.

Knowing which system is better, iOS or Android, is not an easy thing to solve, each person can give their opinion in different ways depending on their priorities, however there are some reasons to choose an iPhone. In a recent reddit thread various Android users reveal the reasons why they switched to the iPhone, and we disagree on all of them.


AirDrop has been around for years and allows us to share files between apple devices wirelessly and without losing quality in just a few seconds. However, despite being such a long-standing feature, it continues to amaze with how well it works.

iPhone airdrop

AirDrop is perfect for sending files

Once you try AirDrop you don’t want to change it for anything, and on Android there is nothing similar that works as well. Plus, AriDrop gets better with every new Apple device you buy, since it’s compatible with all of them.

iOS updates for more than 6 years

Something unreachable for Android smartphones, if you buy the latest iPhone released on the market you will get at least 6 years of iOS updates. There is more to see the iPhone 6s, released in 2015 and compatible with iOS 15, so it will receive updates until September 2022.

iOS icon

iOS updates are guaranteed for years

Apple’s position on privacy

Privacy is essential to Apple and its position is diametrically opposed to Google’s with Android. While Google’s business is targeted advertising by collecting user data, Apple’s is to sell devices. And this seems to be one of the reasons why Android users switch to the iPhone.

Privacy is a fundamental human right. At Apple, it’s also one of our core values. Your devices are important to many parts of your life. What you share of those experiences, and who you share it with, should be up to you. We design Apple products to protect your privacy and give you control over your information. It’s not always easy. But that’s the kind of innovation we believe in.

The AirPods

Interestingly, many users say that switched to iPhone for AirPods, specifically the AirPod Pro. The ease of use and the audio quality they offer have made many owners of Android smartphones buy an iPhone.

7 objective reasons why an iPhone is better than an Android

Of course, there is other very interesting functions of the iPhone and iOS that were named in this thread by former Android users, such as FaceTime, iMessage, or the Apple ecosystem. However we thought that these 4 were less known and equally interesting. Y

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