Destiny 2 developer reveals information about “Witch Queen” mods on Exos and spoils new catalyst

Destiny 2 is closing in on the release of Witch Queen, and as a result, more and more information about the major expansion is being revealed. One of them includes a catalyst for a popular weapon and mods for exotic weapons. We’ll show you all the information about it.

What happened? Bungie’s Weapon feature lead Chris Proctor has now answered two important questions regarding the future of Exotics in a podcast. One of them is about a specific exo, namely the “Le Monarque” arc. This should, like him, get a catalyst.

In addition, the question was raised as to whether exotic weapons will eventually have mod slots in order to embed a Vorpal weapon or something similar in the respective guns. Again, Bungie had a clear answer.

Catalyst for Le Monarque and no mods for exotics

The Le Monarque exotic bow was released to coincide with the launch of the Black Armory. As a random drop in the forge rounds, this bow was able to shine above all with its poisonous perk. It has found uses in both PvE and PvP, and Guardians have long hoped for a catalyst for this bow.

This is the noble Le Monarque

Is there finally a catalyst? Chris Poctor was quizzed about it and his answer was simply “soon”. In such a word there is much room for interpretation. It is not known whether the start of Witch Queen is meant with soon or only in general in Witch Queen.

Since Void 3.0 will be released with the witch DLC anyway, this poisonous Void weapon would be a perfect addition. It might also help create good builds that go well with the custom super, like the Agers Scepter exo and the Stasis ultimate.

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No mods for exotics: The interview also asked why Guardians can’t embed mods in exotic weapons. Chris replied that exo-weapons with mods would completely destroy the game balance. This would create bugs and glitches that could affect the whole game.

He cites examples such as a Falcon Moon with a backup magazine could boost the stackable Critdamage to such insane levels that this effect is negated.

Another example would be the Ace of Spades. With the mod “Icarus Grip” the precision in the air would be so high that it would not be justifiable.

Exotic weapons are exotic because they differ from the legendary weapon dimensions. Many intrinsic perks provide blatant effects where such a mod would be overkill. One might think that mods were created mainly for the so-called fine-tuning of the legendary genre.

However, it is still interesting that the developers also addressed this question, right? What do you think of the forthcoming release of the Kat for Le Monarque? Are you excited about the effect and do you think it’s a shame that the exo-weapons won’t get mod slots? Let us know how you feel about it!