Lost Ark Pegasus Mount: How To Get Terpeion & Terpeion Of The Shadow

Lost Ark Pegasus Mounts

mounts are pretty important in Lost Ark – they help you navigate the world faster, while also looking very cool. There are multiple other mounts such as the Cerberus, lady bug etc. But let’s take a look at how to get the Pegasus Mount (Terpeion/Terpeion of the Shadow) in Lost Ark.

How to Get Pegasus Mount in Lost Ark (Terpeion/Terpeion of the Shadow)?

Players can unlock the Pegasus mount in Lost Ark for free by logging in the game between February 19 at 11:59AM PT (February 20, 7:59AM UTC) through March 1 at 11:59PM PT (March 2 at 7:59PM UTC) . That’s because the Terpeion/Terpeion of the Shadow mount is a reward that is part of the Launch Celebration gift (which also has a few more freebies included). So, make sure you log in during this time period and check your product inventory to claim this famous horse as a Mount.

How To Get Terpeion Shadow mount lost ark
image credits: RaZzi on Youtube

As you know, the Pegasus is a mythical horse with wings but Terpeion or Terpeion of the Shadow does not fly in Lost Ark. the Hoverboard mount will help you glide and traverse the maps, though, so you can unlock it if you like.

Unfortunately, for many players, especially in the EU, the launch celebration gift is not showing up. In this situation, you can try closing Steam, restarting it and loading up the game to see if it’s available for you. If that does not work, then all we can do is wait until the developers fix the bug.

Remember that mounts are account bound so you can use it for any and all Alt characters that you create within the same account. Speaking of alts, we’ve got a guide related to alts on Gamer Tweak where you will find out why you need to have them in Lost Ark.
