How To Get Brahms Ship In Lost Ark

How To Get Brahms Ship In Lost Ark

Sailing is one of the important things to do in this MMORPG and you might want to know how to get the Brahms ship in Lost Ark. In this guide, we will look at the location, prerequisites, and quests you need to complete in order to unlock this ship.

How to Get Brahms Ship in Lost Ark?

The process to unlock this ship is easy and includes the completion of several simple-to-do quests involving the delivery of shipments. Here’s the step-by-step guide:

In case you don’t like Brahms and want to unlock the fastest and best ship in the game, here’s how to get the Astray Ship in Lost Ark. It’s a much longer process and it may take at least a month for you to get it – but it’s worth the effort. We’ve got some more ship-related guides on Gamer Tweak that you can check out. Here’s how to unlock ships, how to leave a shipwreck, nightmare ghost ship location other how to upgrade ships.