Metroid Dread: Metroid Dread: Update brings hard boss rush modes

Metroid Dread: Metroid Dread: Update brings hard boss rush modes

Metroid Dread (from 44.99€ at buy) for Nintendo Switch was already a challenge for some players when it was released, which is why a rookie mode was submitted in February. The new features of the just released update (version 2.1.0), on the other hand, are aimed in a completely different direction – once you have completed the story mode, you can look forward to a series of tough boss challenges.

A total of three boss rush modes have been added to the game:

boss rush
Activation condition: play through once
Content: 12 bossfights in a row, for a time, damage is carried over from one fight to the next, ammunition is replenished, deaths result in time penalties

Survival Rush
Unlock Condition: Beat Boss Rush or Dread Rush
Content: defeat as many bosses as possible in 5 minutes, damage is taken with you, immediate game over if you die, defeating bosses adds time

dread rush
Activation condition: Completed the main game in Dread mode
Content: Rules as in Boss Rush mode, but just one hit results in an immediate game over