LoL: 3 Champs are so strong that they are always played or banned in the best EU league

LoL: 3 Champs are so strong that they are always played or banned in the best EU league

In the last few weeks, the playoffs of the LEC Spring Split have been running at LoL. You could see that 3 champions were either banned or picked in each game. We’ll show you what they are.

What’s going on in LoL? Recently, the LEC Spring Split playoffs ended with G2 Esports beating Rogue. During the tournament, there were three champions who were landed or banned on almost every team.

LeBlanc, Hecarim and Zeri are the three champions. We show you here the stats of them and how often they were played.

LeBlanc, Hecarim and Zeri stats at the LEC Spring

Where does the information come from? The website Oracle Elixir has compiled the champion stats of the tournament and shows the three champions there, with a 100% pick ban rate. So you were either selected for a team or banned from a team in every game.

These are the stats:

  • As a midlaner, LeBlanc has a 37.5% pick rate and a 62.5% ban rate
  • Hecarim has a 25% pick rate and a 75% ban rate as a jungler
  • As an ADC, Zeri has a 25% pick rate and a 75% ban rate

Close behind are ADC Jinx and midlaner Twisted Fate, who both have a pick ban rate of a whopping 95.8%.

LeBlanc was actually allowed to play in 9 games. The nimble sorceress with her burst damage is very popular with the professional players of LoL.

Zeri is one of LoL’s newest champions. Her high mobility plays an important role in teamfights, which is why she has a permanent place in the hearts of many players. It has been played six times.

And also Hecrarim is a champion known in MOBA for his mobility. With his skills he is very agile in fights and easily penetrates the vulnerable backline. He can also use his skills defensively to avoid ganks. Like Zeri, Hecarim has only been played six times.

Does it stay like this now? The popularity of the champions will certainly change before the next big tournament, with LeBlanc in particular being the choice of professional players for years.

For the big Mid-Season Invitational, we expect a lot of changes that will bring meta impacts. So it remains exciting to see which characters will come to the fore and how well LeBlanc, Hecarim and Zeri will then perform.