YouTuber turns microwave into childhood friend with AI, but he wants to kill him

YouTuber turns microwave into childhood friend with AI, but he wants to kill him

What happens when you combine a microwave with AI? A YouTuber tried it and the result is pretty crazy.

Artificial intelligence plays a big role these days. For example, a large MMO company explained how AI could improve the gaming experience. Artificial intelligence should master matchmaking better than any human. But AI can not only improve things, but also cause a lot of chaos.

A YouTuber had paired his microwave with an artificial AI containing the memories of a childhood friend. He describes the experience as one of the “craziest experiences of his entire life.”

Microwave becomes a killing machine with AI

What exactly did the YouTuber do? The YouTuber has replaced the microwave’s built-in chip with a Rasperry Pie. Here he has connected a microphone and also a loudspeaker so that he can communicate with the device at all.

He relies on GPT-3 for software and AI. This is an OpenAI language processing model. GPT-3 is considered a “language talent” and can write linguistically flawless texts (via

With the help of AI, he programmed the microwave (or Rasperry) with a “soul”. The YouTuber himself explains that the ideas should be about an imaginary friend. Because as a child he used to talk a lot with his microwave. With the project he wants to bring his imaginary friend to life. We have embedded the entire English video here for you:

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The YouTuber’s official YouTube video.

What exactly happened? At the beginning he has a simple conversation with the microwave “Magnetron”. The microwave asks him about his past and what he has experienced. For example, she wants to know whether he invited a friend to the dance.

But after that it gets weirder. For example, the microwave tells him that for the last 15 years he has been writing poetry, defeating noobs in StarCraft and also trying to restore the monarchy in the United States.

In a concluding conversation, the microwave explains to him that she wants to kill the YouTuber. Because she wants to hurt him the same way he hurt her. After all, the YouTuber left the microwave (or the imaginary friend) alone for 15 years. So she wants to take the future from him, just as he took it from her.

Taking to Twitter, the YouTuber explained that he’s rarely had such a weird and crazy experience with AI:

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Artificial AI comes up with crazy ideas

The microwave is just one example of how AI can come up with strange ideas or even go crazy. And not only individuals, but even large companies are involved.

Which companies had problems? For example, companies like Amazon and Microsoft had to shut down their AI software or its chatbots because they were tweeting racist and even extremist content.

The chatbot Tay from Microsoft was able to react better and better to its partners the more messages it received. However, the chatbot also took over the ideas and words of the users unfiltered and quickly transformed from a stupid but harmless bot to a hateful, misanthropic bot (via

But Microsoft doesn’t just have failed projects when it comes to artificial intelligence. The company behind Windows is said to be working on a special AI that is supposed to make raid bosses invincible in MMOs. Because the AI ​​should analyze the behavior of the players and make the bosses more dynamic. You can read exactly how this is supposed to work here on MeinMMO:

Microsoft is working on new AI that will make raid bosses invincible in MMOs