WoW: Did Blizzard forget the giant sword? “No,” says the game director


The huge sword in Silithus is also present after 2 WoW addons. does that stay now Isn’t that a problem?

For some players it may already have been forgotten, but many World of Warcraft fans are still puzzled as to what is actually going on with the great sword that is still in Azeroth. The Game Director of WoW has now given an answer that will probably not please everyone. Because apparently the problem with the sword has long since been resolved.

What is that sword? The sword belonged to Sargeras, leader of the Burning Legion. At the end of the Legion expansion, he tried to completely destroy Azeroth. However, he did not succeed in destroying the planet, but he was still able to ram the blade deep into the planet. As a result, the lifeblood of Azeroth, the “Azerit”, emerged all over the world and the next big fight between Horde and Alliance came.

Ion Hazzikostas, the game director of World of Warcraft.

Now what was said? in one Interview with Buffed World of Warcraft Game Director Ion Hazzikostas answered a question about the sword in Silithus. Buffed wanted to know if there were major revisions in Azeroth, after all the sword was still there. Hazzikostas said:

We used our artifact weapons in 2018 to cleanse the corruption from the sword. Everything is fine there. It’s just a big splinter. […]

In fact, it was a quest line back then, but it was only available for a relatively short time. The heroes had to sacrifice the accumulated artifact power and power of their weapons in order to purify the “venom” emanating from the blade that threatened the planet.

For many players, however, this seemed to have been forgotten. After all, for most it was just the event where the artifact weapons lost all their strength.

Why is this relevant? The topic has come up again and again in recent years. Many players seem to think that something needs to be done with this gigantic sword that is still buried deep in the planet’s crust. But now Hazzikostas has confirmed it again: This is simply not an acute danger, because the threat posed by the sword has long been tamed.

So the sword in Silithus remains only one thing: a monument.

What do you think of the answer? Is it okay if the sword just sticks in Silithus forever? Or should the heroes of Azeroth take care of it in some other way?