LoL: Players discover hidden mechanics that give them a huge advantage

LoL: Spieler entdecken versteckte Mechanik, die ihnen einen großen Vorteil verschafft

The League of Legends community has discovered a hidden rune interaction that allows you to see over certain walls without warding. This can be a great advantage in some situations. It is currently unclear when and if Riot will fix this trick.

How exactly does the trick work? For this trick you need the Rune Benefee Summon (Summon Aery). This rune sends a fairy to the target, which you attack with attacks or spells. It deals damage to enemies and shields allies.

The rune is used by some supports by default, such as Yuumi or Soraka.

Now, when you use the recall, the fairy will sometimes move away from you, revealing part of the map. On certain walls, this means that you have a complete view of possible attackers.

You can see the interaction in this video by YouTuber Vandiril:

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Trick is particularly strong in three places

How exactly does the trick work? The fairy appears at about a 120 degree angle to your own view. So you not only have to stand on the right wall, you also have to look in the right direction.

Then you briefly activate the teleport back and then cancel it again. This allows you to see over some walls without using a ward.

Where does Aery reveal work best? The YouTuber already shows what is probably the best part in his thumbnail. Located in the lower part of the map near the dragon, she reveals almost a third of the river without providing a ward.

But there are also two strong points that the YouTuber does not show:

  • One is right in the midlane in the river towards the Baron. If you backport there on the top wall near the bush, you can also look over the wall and see the entire triangle of red jungle.
  • You can overlook part of the dragon pit if you stand at the top from the blue jungle.

It also allows you to peek into nearby bushes, which is also a great benefit for spotting people.

Is the trick legal? The interaction of Riot Games is certainly not wanted and was not in the game from the beginning. Apparently it crept in with one of the last updates. However, it is very unlikely that you will be banned for:

The Rune Benefee summoning is currently still active, although information about the bug has been circulating for a few days. However, it is possible that the upcoming patch 12.9, which will be released on Wednesday, will already contain a fix.

Patch 12.9 will also bring a whole new system, the Challenges. You can find out more about this here:

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