The Division 2 failed miserably – New Season 9 is supposed to save it, but only makes things worse

the division 2 season 9 road map

MeinMMO author Maik Schneider played The Division 2 with passion. A loot shooter to his liking. But he is skeptical about the new Season 9. Fresh content is nice, but in the current state of the game, it actually only makes things worse.

When I was on the battlefields of a loot shooter with Destiny 1 for the first time, I noticed how much the game concept picked me up. Especially in a team I was able to break off countless hours, tiredness was dispelled by conversations.

But the announcement of Destiny 2 was the end for me, the genre “Loot Shooter” was written for me in 2017 for the time being: When I knew that Destiny shouldn’t continue, I was out. Collected all items and weapons for free? Not with me. Mama Schneider didn’t raise an airhead.

With Division 2, I tried my hand at a loot shooter again in 2019 and the old Destiny feelings were back. I even started writing about Division at MeinMMO.

Unfortunately, everything quickly went down the drain, interest dropped rapidly. With the DLC “Warlords of New York” I briefly had hope again in spring 2020, but it quickly became clear – there are no real plans for a time after the DLC.

About the author Maik Schneider: The Division 2 is a heart project for me. I started my writing career as a specialty writer on Division 2. I am also impressed by the game concept. I have no idea how many hours I spent building builds with pen and paper.

But after a few hundred hours it was over. Teammates disappeared, my lust went with me. And while I’d love to unleash my war drones on Washington’s enemies again, right now I have no idea when Division will really get me into it again.

The Division 2 went into a kind of maintenance mode after the big DLC. Brought some story with the seasons, but that’s it. The shooter has been in this season mode for almost 2 years without really delivering anything new. The “Summit” mode is a small exception.

It was then announced early on that at least one other major update was planned – even with another new mode. Information is now known, Division 2 starts on May 12, Season 9.

But I’m not really happy with it.

Division 2: Season 9 brings a little bit of everything

Season 9 with TU15 is a watering can update and brings a little bit of everything:

  • New mode “Countdown”
  • Expertise mechanic for equipment
  • New Manhunt continues the story with 5 objectives
  • 6 events and 4 leagues
  • New Weapons, Armor Token, Exotic, Named Items and Equipment
the division 2 season 9 road map
Division 2: Roadmap Season 9

How am I supposed to find 7 other people for the new activity?

Due to the events, the season runs until the end of August. Finally, the “Reanimated” event goes online, from August 23rd to 29th.

But to be honest: how much potential does the TU15 have? How long does that keep you happy? How many players does this bring back? And of course the most important question when it comes to further developing the game: How much money can actually be made with it? And I think it won’t be enough.

The new mode puts players under time pressure and is designed for 8 people. There is matchmaking and you can do it with fewer players. But with 8 people like a raid and pressed for time? Honest?

Why not rather something for smaller teams – it’s hard for me to find even one player. And why not use the excellent content that’s already in the game and find a twist that makes it more replayable?

For example, I imagine a hunt through Washington DC, preferably in my own world instance. Sometimes I have to do quests, sometimes solve a riddle, sometimes do a mission. So I shoot my way through the city for hours, discover the open world and constantly collect loot.

With the new Manhunt, a suitable mechanic comes into play – Mission Takeovers. In Season 9, the opponents of the “True Sons” take on some missions that will play differently as a result. A good idea by the developers, but hidden behind a limited mechanic – the story-based manhunts.


You play it once and then wait 3 weeks for the next goal. The leagues and clothing events don’t really pull me back in either.

The only thing I really like is the expertise system. Here, too, it can be argued whether this is just a content stretch, because you can level up every important part in the game again. But the idea of ​​pushing your best gear through playtime resonates with me.

Season 9 doesn’t give me any hope

The Division 2 is being developed with a much smaller team than at its peak. The developers now have to weigh up even more critically what is important and what they should rather not do.

But with Season 9 they are not doing themselves any favors. This does not make the game more relevant again or attract large new players. It even worsens the prospects for a brighter future for Division in my eyes.

I would have loved to hear news about the Division movie, the announcement of Division 3, or the prospect of actual Division 2 DLC.

The Division 2 movie is coming exclusively to Netflix – agents are making nasty jokes

But the new Season 9 has made my view of Division 2 worse. I have even fewer hopes than before that I’ll soon be spending hours of fun in the title again with fellow gamers.

Because like back then with Destiny 1, it was always the other players who kept me happy for a long time. But with the arguments of Season 9 I can’t get anyone back into the game.

I’m really interested in what you think of the new Season 9. Are you on my side or do you not share my opinion at all? Are you just happy that something is happening in the game at all?

Leave us a comment with your thoughts on the topic. If you are now looking for a new loot shooter, you will find strong alternatives here: The 8 best loot shooters 2022 – For PC, PS4, PS5, Switch and Xbox