WoW has a problem with factions and it even blocks important endgame content

WoW has a problem with factions and it even blocks important endgame content

The raid “Mausoleum of the First” from WoW: Shadowlands was defeated on Mythic at the end of March after a long fight. Since then, more than 100 guilds have successfully completed the raid. However, this only applies to the Horde – the Alliance can’t keep up and this is blocking an important change.

What’s the problem? The Mythic Raids are the hardest PvE content in the World of Warcraft endgame, and the race for World First is one that many players are excited about.

However, the raid parties are almost pure horde events. The Alliance faction can hardly keep up. This is particularly evident in the latest raid “Mausoleum of the First”, with the jailer as the top boss.

Because the 100 fastest progress guilds of a faction end up in the Hall of Fame – a total of 200 guilds. At the time of writing, 109 guilds were listed: 100 for the Horde, 9 for the Alliance.

A clear imbalance, then, and a clear faction balance issue. And that affects the normal flow of a WoW addon.

What is progress raiding? If a raid is still new, the first runs will take forever. Even if you know how the mechanics work, the team must also work afterwards.

Progress raids are pretty much the opposite of casual raids. It’s not (only) about playing comfortably in the evening with friends, but about making an effort to create the most difficult content as quickly as possible. There is a certain competitive thought behind it.

Why is this blocking content? Only when all 200 places in the Hall of Fame are occupied does the raid open with mythic difficulty for cross-server raids. Currently, only players on the same server can mythically raid each other.

This increases the player pool for the heavy raids immensely. This gives many players the chance to complete the raid with strong players or to end up in a progress raid group.

Why is there this imbalance between factions? The short answer: habit. In terms of strength in PvE, it now makes little difference whether you belong to the Horde or Alliance.

However, that was different in the past. In order to get the most out of your character, you almost “had” to play Horde in the past. Since the Progress players are always the forerunners, many players have followed suit and stayed with them.

The reason for this are the different bonuses and abilities of the races. These were simply stronger for PvE in the Horde. By the way, the Alliance has traditionally been better in PvP, at least for a while. It took many years of balancing before both factions were roughly equal in strength.

The progress community therefore has a “historical” focus on the Horde, which today ensures that the alliance falls far behind when it comes to raids.

In the last raids “Sanctum of Domination” and “Castle Nathria” the alliance needed almost a month longer to fill all 100 slots.

Please give us your opinion on the topic. Should the developers follow up on this in any way or do you think the issue is hardly worth mentioning. Share your thoughts with us in the comments.

If you’d rather read more about the World First race, have a look here: WoW: Jailer down! Echo brings the World First Kill to Europe