Dead Space Remake has a release date, so get yourself some diapers

Dead Space bekommt ein Remake und das sollte offenbar eigentlich noch dieses Jahr erscheinen.

Since it became clear that Dead Space is getting a remake, horror fans have been dancing in circles around their cauldron. After all, the darker survival shooter is one of the best titles the genre has to offer. In yesterday’s livestream, the development team answered the most important question about Dead Space Remake: when we can venture back onto the USG Ishimura.

Dead Space Remake has release date

Pack your survival backpack, either with a towel for the cold sweat or a pair of diapers if the original has already gotten to you. Because now we know: The title will be released on January 27, 2023.

For which platforms is the remake released? You can only look forward to fresh goosebumps if you own one PS5 or Xbox Series X/S are. An implementation for Sony’s and Microsoft’s Last Gen consoles or even the switch is currently not planned.

You can watch the entire live stream here:

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What else was there to see? The developers talked about how the gritty space horror is being updated graphically in the hour-long stream. Among other things, it was about how redesign and fidelity go hand in hand to keep the usual spooky atmosphere, but intensify it with new lighting effects, more detailed character models – and Necromorphs.

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Examples from the development were shown and we were allowed to take a look at how Isaac moves through the dark corridors. There was also new concept art to see. We also saw alpha gameplay back in March. You can watch it here:

Alpha gameplay from Dead Space Remake: Unfinished but damn atmospheric


Alpha gameplay from Dead Space Remake: Unfinished but damn atmospheric

More on Dead Space Remake: reports that we will have more to offer in the fall. Appropriately, a “full reveal” is set to take place around Halloween. At this point at the latest, we get a comprehensive impression of what awaits us. Incidentally, the Dead Space remake is being developed by the Canadian development team Motive Studios, which you from Star Wars Squadrons knows.

Did you expect a date this early in the year and what are your hopes for the remake?