Doctor Strange 2: Battle scene brazenly stolen from indie game?

James Bond in the Multiverse?  This actor almost starred in Doctor Strange 2!  (1)

Did Capcom steal their Resident Evil Village enemy design from a movie? Did Activision Blizzard steal the look of a Call of Duty character? And did Valve appropriate the design of their Steam controller? The answer: maybe! You can never be sure about such things, but it happens from time to time that people and companies accuse each other of having stolen an idea.

Did Doctor Strange 2 steal from an indie game?

This has now happened to a specific fight sequence from the new movie Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. In the of Stephen Ddungu developed Indie title Sword of Symphony players can summon glowing musical notes and then fire them at an enemy. If you’ve seen Doctor Strange 2, then this description will probably sound familiar to you. Therefore, Ddungu now accuses Marvel and Disney of copying his game’s concept for their film.

Some fans of Ddungu’s work pointed this out to the developerthat the fight sequence in Doctor Strange 2 has some similarities with his project. Like Ddungu in an interview with Kotaku betrays, he doesn’t think it’s unlikely that Disney took inspiration from the JRPG.

“Based on a variety of sources supporting her assumption, I’d say it’s very likely and I wouldn’t be surprised if it were true.”

“All sources (which cite the people who made the film directly) strongly suggest that the scene was not in the film’s original script and that it was a last-minute move made at least three months after Sword of Symphony went viral and was praised for its concept, so if everyone is telling me that my work was stolen, after reviewing the evidence I can understand why people feel that way.”