Forspoken only from 18! PEGI rating based on suicide references

Forspoken only from 18!  PEGI rating based on suicide references

Well, we really didn’t see that coming in our preview of Forspoken: The Magical RPG by Square Enix will only for players from 18 years be available – at least internationally. Because the previous age rating of the game was only from PEGI, the Europe-wide age rating system. Like the one responsible for Germany USK decided, is currently pending.

That Forspoken (buy now €79.99) has received such a high rating, should surprise many according to the material from trailers, screenshots and press releases so far, the game looked more like a classic case for a 16 seal. But PEGI Of course, it does not assign age ratings without reason and has also listed the features of Forspoken that led to the drastic measure.

Forspoken from 18: This is how PEGI justifies the age rating

In very simplified terms, the authority states that Suicide References and expletives have led to the high age rating: “The game has been rated 18+ by PEGI, which restricts availability to adults only and is not intended for persons under the age of 18. This rating was given because it contains strong suicide references and strong language.”

on the official website of PEGI the reasons for the classification are described in much more detail. Caution spoilers: If you don’t want to know anything about the plot of Forspoken, you should stop reading at this point, because a story event at the beginning of the game is anticipated. PEGI’s full justification for the Age rating from 18 as follows:

“In one scene, a distraught woman stands on a cliff drinking alcohol and wonders if the world would be better off without her. As she steps over the cliff, a mystical apparition saves her. Later, the same character is rescued by a goaded evil character that she should have ended her life. But the woman doesn’t listen to her. The game also includes strong swear words (‘f**k’) as well as some weaker expressions.”