LoL: The Big Update is Live and Changes Everything – The 20 Biggest Winners and 25 Biggest Losers of 10/12

Kayle Lol

Patch 12.10 went live on League of Legends on Wednesday: the so-called “Durability” update. Fights in Lol should now last longer: the champs have more life points, can withstand more, but the healing has also been reduced. After a day there is a list of the champs and how their win rates have changed. MeinMMO looks at the result.

What is this update? For months, LoL has presented a major update, patch 12.10.

Essentially, they wanted to fix a problem that Twitch streamer Doublelift once described as “life points ping-pong”: Heroes fell from 100% to 0% life points incredibly quickly. They died without knowing exactly what caused it and what they did wrong. On the other hand, heroes with low health points were extremely quick to 100% again because healing was so strong, especially through life steal.

LoL brings huge balance changes with the next update – nerft over 30 items

The 12.10 update now aimed to:

  • Increase health and resistances to physical and magic damage across the board
  • Curbing damage from “tanky characters”: Heroes that can take a beating shouldn’t take much
  • Also bring Heal down a bit, otherwise with the reduced damage in game some champions like DrMundo would just be unkillable

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Kingfisher Anivia and Fire Fuzzy Brand are winners of 10/12

What is this ranking now? After the first day with the new patch, a user is open reddit evaluated the game data. He made a list of champs whose win rate changed by 2% – he takes the “Platinum+” section. The numbers are based on the statistics page – and are a snapshot (via etc).

The names in the list are arranged alphabetically, each with the position designation. We take the list from reddit.

These are the 20 biggest winners:

  • Anivia (Mid): 51.65% -> 56.76%
  • Aurelion Sol (Mid): 52.77% -> 55.30%
  • Brand (Mid): 48.47% -> 54.26%
  • Camille (Top): 49.93% -> 52%
  • Gragas (Jungle): 49.39% -> 51.65%
  • Graves (Mid): 49.90% -> 53.00%
  • Gwen (Top): 48.00% -> 50.62%
  • Gwen (Jungle): 48.32% -> 51.58%
Kayle Lol
Fluttering harder than usual: Kayle
  • Kayle (Top): 52.02% -> 54.36%
  • Kayle (Mid): 52.08% -> 54.35%
  • Senna (Adc): 48.32% -> 51.12%
  • Senna (Support): 52.55% -> 54.89%
  • Seraphine (Adc): 52.56% -> 56.63%
  • Shyvana (Jungle): 51.24% -> 55.44%
  • Taliyah (Support): 49.07% -> 51.38%
  • Taliyah (Jungle): 49.97% -> 53.53%
  • Taliyah (Mid): 52.84% -> 55.02%
  • Twitch (Jungle): 47.87% -> 50.25%
  • Vel’Koz (Mid): 51.21% -> 53.23%
  • Viktor (Mid): 49.91% -> 51.96%
LoL mythical Cassiopeia
Pretty nasty snake: Cassiopeia.

Sad Monsters: Cassiopeia and Cho’Gath are losing heavily

These are the 25 biggest losers:

  • Cassiopeia (Top): 51.93% -> 48.45%
  • Cho’Gath (Top): 50.47% -> 48.26%
  • Diana (Mid): 51.37% -> 47.81%
  • Fizz (Mid): 51.33% -> 48.70%
  • Irelia (Mid): 47.89% -> 45.24%
  • Irelia (Top): 48.96% -> 46.58%
  • Karma (Top): 50.98% -> 46.81%
  • Karthus (Mid): 50.17% -> 47.92%
  • Kled (Top): 50.72% -> 47.35%
  • Nocturne (Jungle): 51.76% -> 49.19%
  • Nunu & William (Jungle): 50.93% -> 48.87%
  • Rakan (Support): 48.84% -> 46.68%
  • Rammus (Jungle): 51.92% -> 49.03%
Was extremely strong in LoL: Renekton in 2022.
  • Renekton (Mid): 50.37% -> 47.36%
  • Riven (Top): 51.72% -> 49.65%
  • Sejuani (Jungle): 50.24% -> 47.96%
  • Sett (Support): 46.14% -> 43.19%
  • Sion (Top): 48.72% -> 46.44%
  • Sylas (Top): 49.68% -> 47.15%
  • Tahm Kench (Top): 51.64% -> 49.29%
  • Talon (Mid): 51.14% -> 48.71%
  • Taric (Support): 49.52% -> 43.59%
  • Vladimir (Mid): 50.74% -> 47.14%
  • Volibear (Top): 48.79% -> 46.15%
  • Yuumi (Support): 50.03% -> 46.25%

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Riot is already responding with buffs and nerfs

Here’s how Riot is already responding: Riot had already announced in the run-up to 12.10 that it would react quickly to emerging balance problems after the patch. And indeed there is already a reaction:

  • 6 heroes that clearly lost are now boosted: Renekton, Yuumi, Kled, Vladimir, Diana, and Draven. 5 of these heroes had a 3% drop in win rate. Only Draven is an outlier in the list.
  • 6 champions that won the patch will be nerfed for it: Kayle, Anivia, Taliyah, Brand, Vayne, and Senna. Here, too, there are 5 champions who clearly count as the winners of the patch and in some cases have become drastically stronger. Only Vayne is not in the list of winners.

So you can see that the balance in LoL is in constant flux and today’s winners can be tomorrow’s losers.

With one hero in LoL, however, no balance change helped at all:

No one wanted to play the least popular champ in LoL history, even if he won every match