WoW: Anduin is not returning to Stormwind for the time being

Anduin bids farewell to Genn Greymane in Oribos. 

Our victory over the jailer and Sylvanas’ judgment was the climax of WoW: Shadowlands. The story of WoW: Shadowlands is far from over. With Patch 9.2.5 another small story chapter comes into play, which will deal with the fates of Anduin Wrynn and Sylvanas. This part of the story is of particular interest to players who have not read the new WoW novel Sylvanas.

What happens to Anduin Wrynn after Shadowlands?

Anduin Wrynn’s story does not end with his rescue in the Mausoleum of the First. In our interview about the new WoW expansion explains Ion Hazzikostas, that we will see more of Anduin Wrynn in patch 9.2.5. Here is a small excerpt from the talk:

buffed: What happens to Anduin in all this? Will he play a big role in Dragonflight or will he retire to recover from what happened to him in the shadow lands?
Ion Hazzikostas: We actually have some answers to that question in Shadowlands. In 9.2.5 there’s a little more to tell about the aftermath of everything we’ve seen. After what Anduin went through, surely this experience changed him forever and he can’t just go back to who he was before. And that’s something he has to deal with. Our current assumption is that Anduin will step down as King of Stormwind and leader of the Alliance. [Anmerkung der Redaktion: “Stepping down” könnte aber auch als “zurücktreten” übersetzt werden.] But he also has his own journey ahead of him. And that’s it, I don’t want to give too much away.
That Anduin will be gone for quite a while after Shadowlands isn’t new information. In the early stages of WoW: Shadowlands, Ion Hazzikostas revealed to us in an interview that the young king will take a break at the end of Shadowlands and will not return to Stormwind for the time being. The WoW game director didn’t want to tell us why Anduin Wrynn stayed longer in the shadow lands.

Anduin bids farewell to Genn Greymane in Oribos. 

Anduin bids farewell to Genn Greymane in Oribos.

Source: buffed

In the last story chapter of WoW: Shadowlands we learn how Anduin Wrynn continues. In a dialogue with Genn Greymane, the young king declares that he wishes to stay in the Shadowlands for a while. Saying goodbye is clearly difficult for Genn, after all he hoped that after his rescue, Anduin would resume his rightful place as High King of the Alliance.

Greymane: I’m so relieved to know you’re safe, my king. Even from Jaina’s accounts, I can hardly imagine your suffering.
Anduin: Sometimes I thought I’d never escape the jailer. What he forced me to do…
Greymane: It wasn’t your fault! Don’t blame yourself.
I should have been stronger…
Greymane: Anduin Wrynn, you are the strongest man I know. And when you return to Stormwind, the whole kingdom will agree with me.
Anduin: I can’t go back, Genn. Not yet.
Greymane: But the people need…
Anduin: Turalyon will keep the Alliance safe while I’m gone. And you will watch over everyone as always… old wolf.
Greymane: Of course. Take the time you need. And when you’re ready… please come home.

Anduin Wrynn still came out with the dialogue about why he stays in the shadow lands, but we put together some lore snippets from the new WoW novel Sylvanas and from the test server for patch 9.2.5 and tell you how the story of Anduin Wrynn in World of Warcraft (buy now ) goes on.