Ashes of Creation flexes graphics muscle again: with seasonal tech

Ashes of Creation: showcases the best character creation an MMO has to offer (1)

from Karsten Scholz
A few days ago there was another developer update for Ashes of Creation. The focus of the stream was the MMORPG’s new seasons tech, thanks to which the zones will switch between spring, summer, autumn and winter in a visually impressive way.

Even before Switching to Unreal Engine 5 in January 2022 Ashes of Creation was among the prettiest online role-playing games currently in development. With the new graphics framework, we can now expect even more visual splendor, for example in terms of weather effects, lighting moods, reflections and texture quality.

Seasons in Ashes of Creation

In the latest developer update from May 27, 2022, the Intrepid team once again underlined the goal of developing a next-gen MMORPG that wants to make the previous genre representatives look old. Among other things, the new seasons tech was shown, thanks to which the zones will change between spring, summer, autumn and winter in a visually impressive way. But see for yourself (using the example of the Riverland biome from Alpha 2):

In a second part of the stream, you can look over the shoulder of one of the developers as he walks through the world with a character while the weather around him is constantly changing.

New colleagues, new artworks

For the rest of the stream, Creative Director Steven Sharif and his team talked about various topics. We were able to welcome new developers to Intrepid, and other positions are still to be filled. You can see it in full stream plus artwork and assets for new creatures, locations (Aelan Capital), and impressively detailed gear pieces.