Sniper Elite 5: Update 1.04 for download – that’s in the new patch

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the PC version of Sniper Elite 5 has update 1.04 get donated. About the Steam website For the tactical first-person shooter, the developers at Rebellion Developments go into the patch notes – and with them the details of the changes and innovations. The patch primarily focuses on bug fixes and eliminating individual causes of crashes. So should Sniper Elite 5 no longer crasheswhen you shoot into the water. Crashes related to machine guns are said to have been removed from the game world with the update.

Patch notes for update 1.04

Also, after the 1.04 update, you should properly receive individual weapon upgrades when visiting a workbench in the Wolf Mountain DLC. Patch 1.04 also fixes one Bugs around trophies and achievements: Some of the achievements have not yet been unlocked even though the requirements have been met. Players have also previously reported getting stuck in a reload animation. This problem should also be a thing of the past after the patch download. The same goes for missing explosion sounds.