Trymacs presents Pokémon card collection for over €120,000

YouTubers and Twitter-Streamers Trymacs spends big bucks on Pokemon cards. Now he wants to find out what they’re worth. To this end, he goes through almost his entire collection to consider which cards to send to the grading agency GSG for evaluation. He can draw on an impressive collection.

This is what the Trymacs Pokémon card collection looks like

That’s what it’s about: Pokémon trading cards have been experiencing their second spring for a few years now and increase in value enormously. Accordingly, there are also many streamers like Trymacs who take the hype with them and spend a lot of money on unopened packs and hope for luck. Trymacs himself explains that he has, for example spent around 120,000 euros on his collection – however, there is always a massive loss in value when the packs are opened.

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Check out a new video Trymacs and Chefstrobel together look at the cards from Trymacs that could be worth something. The plan behind it is that to send in potentially valuable cards to the grading agency GSG. This should then determine the value of the individual cards, which can make them significantly more valuable and, above all, of course, ensures clarity.

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This is included: In the Trymacs collection are some cards that from the oldest Pokémon card sets come. Also many holocards owns the streamer. Then there would be Mewtwo, Chansey and Piepi from the English language base set as well as numerous Holo versions from the jungle set. However, it looks like they aren’t usually limited releases.

Also promising are cards like Pikachu and Squirtle from the first edition, the Dark Turtok in English, the Rainbow Rare Pikachu Vmax, the Rainbow Rare Charizard GX from 2017 or the Charizard Vmax card from the Shining Destiny set. Also some Japanese cards with alternative artwork could be worth a bit more. We are curious to see how much will ultimately come of it.

What are your most valuable Pokémon and how much money do you think the Trymacs collection is worth? Tell us in the comments.