Abandoned: Has Blue Box Studios Ever Worked On It?

There are many rumors about this already in the April 2021 for PlayStation 5 announced game Abandoned. After that, the new game was quiet for so long that the community feared that the project had been scrapped.

Noisy Blue Box Studios However, “Abandoned” is still in development. The developer excused even ensure that the release date of the Prologues in the first quarter of 2022 could not be complied with.

AbandonedSilent Hill Equivalent Abandoned Discontinued? No, that’s really how it is

But meanwhile there are some indications that the game never really existed.

Why Abandoned might be on hold after all

How are these rumors coming up again? Only recently are people who lead developer of the projectHasan Kahraman, stand closeopposite to GameSpot have reported about it.

Despite the fact that Kahraman has claimed otherwise on the public channels, the project is “Abandoned” been shut down.

It is also still not entirely clear what the game is supposed to be about. A game was teased in which you have to survive alone with a bloodthirsty sect in the forest. But that The concept has changed many times: From survival horror to action games to a vampire concept, everything was there.

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Unfortunately, over time, Kahraman gets more and more involved contradictions and have it more and more often rumor fedthat behind “Abandoned” a Silent Hill-Could hide offshoots.

According to GameSpot, for example, you can not be occupiedthat more than 10 employees are working on the game, although Kahraman spoke of over 50 employees.

In addition, the developer Not work particularly hard on the development of the prologue, but rather spend the whole night is active in a group chat and Rainbos Six Siege games

Toxic behavior and empty promises

These statements appear to come from the members of a group chatthat Hasan Kahraman created. be there only diehard fans of the game have been allowed, which even one Non-Disclosure Agreement had to sign.

be in this chat other information been disclosed than on the public channels.

Among other things, Kahraman got there admittedthat the main game “Abandoned” is not being worked on at all, but so far only a prologue is in the works. This should be sold to finance the main game to be able to

In addition, the developer is often very negative and dishonest noticed. Hurtful and confusing sentences were said and Kahraman was described by the members as “double-tongued and prone to mood swings“ been described.

Whenever information was backed up, Kahraman had it publicly as a fake designated and searched internally for the culprits.

He also tried personal relationships with individual members build or include them in the development process, have also promised exclusive materials, to bind these people to you.

So it seems there is little hope for an actual release of “Abandoned” or even just a prologue to it. Everything indicates that the game will be completely scrapped at some point, as well as probably the last projects of the studio. But we are also happy to be convinced of the opposite.
