Cyberpunk 2077: Board Game Gangs of Night City Announced by CMON – News

Cyberpunk 2077: Board Game Gangs of Night City Announced by CMON - News

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Game maker Cool Mini or Not (CMON) is involved Cyberpunk 2077 – Gangs of Night City an official board game of the RPG Cyberpunk 2077 (in the test) presented. CMON is known for complex card games as well as board games with detailed miniatures like Zombicide.

In a developer diary, the designers of the game table adaptation present a draft of the game board and first approaches to the mechanics. As the name suggests, players will lead gangs and fight for control of Night City’s boroughs. Each gang will bring specific benefits. You fall back on three unit types: Solos for rough stuff, Netrunners for cyberspace action, and Techies for utilizing drones, as well as Fixer contacts to help defend districts.

Firefights are fought with a deck of weapons and gadgets, and are said to involve little luck. The designers decided against further subdividing the city’s districts for the territorial conflict mechanic. Of course, the limits of Watson, Heywood and Co. correspond to the template (you can read in this report how CD Projekt RED built Nighty City).

As with Bloodborne – The Board Game from the same manufacturer there will be a Kickstarter campaign for Cyberpunk 2077 – Gangs of Night City, which will start soon. In the teaser trailer you can see, among other things, a digital model for a Johnny Silverhand character.