New Layers of Fear seems to be going back to basics and that’s a good thing

The first Layers of Fear was all about paintings.

The first Layers of Fear was all about paintings.

The first Layers of Fear was all about paintings.

Can we expect a new Layers of Fear soon? Recently, Bloober Team has been linked to Silent Hill remake rumors. However, the studio then said that next project is a game of its own. Already last year, a short teaser trailer announced a new Layers of Fear. A new tweet from the studio now refers to this game again, which is obviously based on the first part of the franchise.

New Layers of Fear

It’s all about this: Last year, Bloober Team announced a new Unreal Engine 5 offshoot of their franchise with a teaser video. You could see mainly a canvas and paints. The artist, of whom we only got to see his hands, explained that “it’s not finished yet”. Then a woman’s voice was heard.

You can watch the teaser here:

Layers of Fear 3 - Developers tease new project in Unreal Engine 5


Layers of Fear 3 – Developers tease new project in Unreal Engine 5

So it looks like Layers of Fear will return to its roots with a new spin-off and bring back the protagonist from Part 1. In this game, we’ll explore a painter’s mansion in first-person, delve into his memories, and watch as he slowly drifts more and more insane. An important role is played by art, perfectionism and a family tragedy.

That is new: At the end of the teaser comes the announcement: Your fear will return in 2022. Now a tweet on Layers of Fear 2’s Twitter profile points to the new game again. What you see is an eerie painting overlaid with the organic-looking layers of the wall it is hung on. Bloober Team writes:

Reach beneath the surface and discover the source of your fears.

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The tweet could indicate that the new game will be revealed soon and we’ll learn exactly how Bloober Team plans to tie in with the first part of the franchise. It is questionable whether the new title will be called “Layers of Fear 3”, since the second part, which was set on a ship in the silent film era, has moved away from the story of the first part.

Samara Summer

The image in the tweet immediately triggers memories of the pleasant goosebumps that the first part of Layers of Fear gave me. For me, the title implemented the haunted house concept exceptionally well, because the spooky atmosphere was well dosed, didn’t wear off as a result, and the game mechanics never caused frustration. In Layers of Fear 2, on the other hand, the atmosphere just couldn’t really grab me, even if the setting was promising. This was partly due to parts of the chase where I had to find the right path with trial and error, which annoyed me rather than scared me.

But the idea behind the story, which actually sounds promising, didn’t work out so well for me this time. The second part is about acting. In the first part, the overarching theme, the many layers of a painting, and this metaphor for a person’s life and feelings was more coherently pursued for me. I’m curious to see if a return to the roots can once again grip me as much as the original game and where the new installment even wants to start, since the story initially felt over-told. But who knows: maybe the painter will return as a ghost.

Fancy a new Layers of Fear that goes back to basics?