Netflix: Program in the current week of June – these series and films start

Netflix: Program in the current week of June - these series and films start

The list below tells you which ones Series and movies on Netflix this week start. For a better overview, we summarize the reboots of the next seven days – and thus limit ourselves to the new content that will appear until June 20th. Highlights include The Spider’s Head: Im Thriller starring Chris Hemsworth In a prison run by a visionary, two inmates confront their past with the help of mind-altering drugs. The film was based on George Saunders’ short story “Escape from the Spider’s Head,” which originally appeared in The New Yorker.

Netflix: New series and films this week

Netflix’s documentary section starts again in the current week of June Jennifer Lopez: Halftime. “In this in-depth documentary, global star Jennifer Lopez reflects on her diverse career and the pressures of living in the spotlight,” Netflix writes. In the series area, among other things, She: Season 2, Snowflake Mountain, Guerra de vecinos: Season 2 and Rein privat. In addition to the aforementioned spider head, Centauro, God’s Punishment and A Love Doomed to Lose are new to the program.