Lost Ark: 600,000 accounts banned from Amazon

Lost Ark (Rollenspiel) von Amazon Games

Publisher Amazon is still grappling with the bot plague that has afflicted MMORPG Lost Ark since its release. 600,000 accounts were recently banned, including those of gold buyers.

Players who have been caught by the ban wave not only have to expect a reset of their gold level, but also a temporary ban on access to the game. Of the 900,000 active accounts that Lost Ark has, at least on paper, on the western servers, almost two-thirds have now been put in their place by Amazon. This news shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone, as the publisher announced it a few days ago announcedto want to continue to take massive action against botting.

Lost Ark: Penalties not only for bots – gold buyers are also being punished

The Steam database once again clearly illustrates the current problem of the game: Since the ban, a maximum of around 270,000 players have been measured, even at peak times. However, among the 600,000 banned Lost Ark accounts there are also some who have probably benefited from the bots so far: gold buyers who cheat the coveted in-game currency from third-party providers with real money.

After all, they only have to reckon with a temporary exclusion from the game. The illegally acquired gold must then even be processed. If the sum is high enough, it is conceivable that the affected players could turn their backs on the game or decide directly to create a new account.

How is the community reacting?

As in almost every other online game, Amazon’s basic cleanup should be received fundamentally positively by the community. On the one hand, gold purchases that are not pursued or punished give the paying players unfair advantages.

Also, in a role-playing game like Lost Ark, you’d much rather meet real people behind the characters than dull bots that, in the worst case, even fight for the farm spots. The game’s economy now has time to recover thanks to the extensive ban.

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