One Piece: Three times 3 billion Berry – Why these three pirates have the same bounty

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Before Eiichiro Oda went into his four-week sabbatical to take care of the final saga from one piece he has to prepare Manga Chapter 1053 drop a real bomb. Of the Completing the Wano Arc was eagerly awaited by fans in advance and provided answers to questions that were already burning on the tongues of many readers.

Many of the open questions were actually answered, although some were just a revelation raised even more questions Has. So for example when it comes to the new bounties that were officially announced in the manga. You don’t know what we’re talking about and don’t you want to know? Then you should stop reading now.

One Piece: Why the three new bounties are the same

The manga chapter officially released on June 19, 2022 was published has brought many secrets to light. So now we finally know who Hitetsu really iswe have more about that ancient weapon Pluton experienced and could for the first time Admiral Ryokugyu in action see and learned a bit more about his personality.

In the foreground of all these interesting events but there were undoubtedly two other cornerstones of the chapter, namely, on the one hand, who the new emperors of the seas are and how strong the bounties of Luffy, Kid and Law have risen after they managed to capture two of the former four emperors to fall.

But this is exactly where some readers felt big question marksbecause all three pirates now have exactly the same bountynamely three billion berries. For protagonist Monkey D Luffy that’s double what his head was worth, the rise is for Law and Kid but a little bigger.

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Many a fan rightly asks why the government in One Piece decided to take this step, after all, Law and Kid did together overthrew an emperorwhile Luffy does this single-handedly has succeeded, moreover, in the fight against Kaidowho as the strongest creature in the world was known.

This is surprising precisely because the bounty in one piece after the danger directs that the criminal represents to the government. Of course, Kid and Law are very dangerous, the owner of one mystical zoan fruitwho single-handedly defeats an Emperor, but is natural significantly more dangerous.

But Manga Chapter 1053 also knows how to provide answers, albeit not quite as directly. It is made clear that the world government has a lot to do with the incidents on Wa no Kuni wanted to keep for himself, but above all the awakening of Luffy as sun god Nikawhat for 5 wise men is obviously the biggest problem at the moment.

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Therefore one should mugshot be used on the Luffy not in his Gear 5 form you can see, the D from his name should be removed and it is safe to assume that the three bounties are the same amount to further disguise that the rubber man and Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates represents a special case.

However, the powerful of the world have their bills without it Morgan’s made, dem President of the World Economics newspaper. This underworld boss who’s from the Bird Fruit, Model: Albatross ate, did not leave his newspaper government pawn use and photographed Luffy in his Gear 5 form and still with the D in his name.

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Luffy Gear 5, Joy Boy, God Nika (One Piece)
©Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha Inc.

Only the bounty of three billion berries remained unchanged, after all Morgans has no influence on it and probably has no interest in manipulating it. At least at first glance, it looks like Luffy is no greater danger than any other top piratealthough it appears to be a significantly bigger headache for the government.

On top of that, the bounties result as well a certain significance because Kaido and Big Mom had a relationship a common bounty from 8,999,100,000 berriesHowever, Kid, Law and Luffy arrive together now 9,000,000,000 berries and have with it surpassed the former emperors.